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Podcast Example+Episode 1
Episode 1
Reed Primer
3.P Base Stat Rules
3.P Tiered Gestalt Rules
Vesper Primer+Standard Actions+Wrath of the Ancient Dragons
Vesper Primer+Standard Actions
Vesper Primer
Vesper Primer+Standard Actions+Mercy of the Ancient Dragons
Wrath of the Ancient Dragons
Mercy of the Ancient Dragons
Barry Primer
Auron Primer
Vesper Primer+Free Or Non Actions+Debilitating Injury
Vesper Primer+Free Or Non Actions
Vesper Primer+Free Or Non Actions+Deed: Precise Strike
Deed: Precise Strike
Vesper Primer+Constant Effects+Luck of Heroes
Vesper Primer+Constant Effects
Vesper Primer+Constant Effects+Fate's Favored