expand_less They too sought power and freedom, and went about birthing the greater gods.
In the void, the gods seemed more clarified and certain. Though there powers were less all encompassing,
they had an intelligence and depth to their thinking that the Titans could never quite master. 
The titans were regretfully filled with feral wild creative force,
the spark of creation. 
Knowing they would one day be fought against by their children, they introduced a neutral mediator.
They took Chaos and laced it in everything they could find. So busy would their children be, and so many problems
would they have to fight together, that their would never think to be adversaries.
But though the titans saw Chaos as both a pain but a celebration of creation, the greater gods saw Chaos
in a more black and white way. After a while the greater gods became tired of the Titans' permissive 
attitudes towards Chaos. They organized in secret, and together built Order.
It was by that creation some titans faded soon after. Order was a certain poison to the Titan's origins - 
against the nature of this place and their existence, and so chaos unravelling brought clear sacrifices of the nature of things.
Many others weakened. And as a consequence so did some of their children - the greater gods. And so on into the void.
It was as if everything begam to desaturate and spoil.
They were all stuck in this place, together, dreadfully entwined in eachother's fate.
It was by this event that a clear divide presented itself, but as did a clear bond.
And so these remaining titans and their children agreed, after some time of quibbling, 
to create a restoration effort, by which some Titans returned and the other gods regained their
health. This rough network of divine beings went on for some time without a name, driven
by a shared sense of purpose. But then things became quite stable, and the organization turned 
their minds to the future, where they surmised their doom would come from, any day now.
It turns out that time was a thing much more in the Void, and the titans and gods were not expecting that.
Not at all. 
Waiting was new, and though they tried to invent many things to destroy waiting and time,
nothing worked much.
And so they began to invent a number of diversions, hobbies, and pleasures.
An unknowbale amount of worlds were created from this time, and some were designated as places of import.
A number of gods became interested in worlds as a way to automate the future. Strategy. Outcomes.
What god should be born. What god should die. What is their purpose now, if they are to die eventuaslly? 
It is difficult to translate the language that is uttered into such a question that made these worlds, and how a world's long
utterance revelas an answer. And sometimes it does not. But leave it to say many worlds are doing just that.