expand_less Your character's race and ancestry are inspired by the maenad.  The maenad are described as a human-like race of sea-dwelling people, defined by their extreme emotions and culture of self-control.  In the World of the Ledge, we distinguish race and culture so that no one race belongs to a single culture and no culture is composed of only one race.  In other words, you have the freedom to change aspects of the race or culture to whatever you want.  Perhaps you were a member of a tribe of sea-faring people, whose members include the maenad among other races.  I've put your first language as Mataori-Dari as a placeholder name for your people.
Questions to answer:
Your character is middle-aged. middle-aged.  How would you describe their appearance?
Your character knows a mystical tradition that is part psychic, part arcane.  Casting spells requires intense mental focus and exact arcane gestures.  How did you learn this magic tradition?  Are you self-taught, or did you study under another?  Were you trained in a local academy?
Your character spent some time cloistered in a monastery.  Were they left there as a babe or did they go willingly?
Is your character religious?  Do they worship a deity, an abstract ideal, or some other philosophy?  Do they have a personal code of conduct?
Your character has spent significant time at sea.  Were they a common sailor, a pirate, or navy man?
Does your character have a reputation?  Are they infamous, famous, or generally unknown?
When you were young, a relative with whom you had frequently quarreled passed away where his or her soul could not rest. Now, the unquiet spirit appears around you at inconvenient times, distracting you with regret for being unable to help.  Who was this relative and how would you describe this relationship?
Your character carries a family locket.  Does he know his family or is this his only connection to them?
Your character spent time raiding with Daulo marauders.  Normally they hate magic, and kill or subjugate all those who practice it.  Why were you spared?  And how did you end up with one of their tulpar foal (a young, winged horse)?