expand_less Stygmyrgxys, The We - Ela Ohm titan of swarms and ravaging.
Rymyr, Mother of Monsters - Ela Ohm patron goddess of Rythmamthyr and all mammals.
Teurzg, God of Prayer - Ela Ohm god of belief and spirituality.
Zoareaos, Balancer of the Cosmic Fortune - Ela Biz god of balance, stars, and the sea.
Thysx, Goddess of Fray and Knot - Ela Rha goddess of binding, weaving, and the sacred river of life.
Ba, Eight over Eight - Biz Ohm god of best luck.
Yatchu, the Son Who Creates - Biz Yun god of workers and agriculture.
Proprichiunum, the Feeling - Yun Ohm titan of failed creation.
Jurava, the Son Who Challenges - Yun Jutu god of storms.
Ola, Sky Mother - Yun Wim goddess of the sun and celestial bodies.
Balla, Goddess of Winds - Jutu Glei goddess of eastern winds and archery.
Asaamktpearyn, the Eternal - Glei Ohm titan of infinity.
Sensus, God of Perception - Glei Ohm god of the senses and appreciation of beauty.
Porem, God of Mischief - Glei Sace god of trickery and deceit.
Nitima, God of Experience - Glei Quae goddess of information and life experience.
Entiatzu & Enamzu - Sace Ohm deities of charisma and energy.
Qenihrys, Of the Void - Sace Rha goddess of love and vengeance.
Raijyu / Muuru - Sace Vei goddess of enchantment and illusion.
Draco, Father of Monsters - Rha Ohm god of dragons and reptiles.
Draco, Father of Monsters - Rha Ohm patron god of dragons and reptiles.
Kasys, God of the Evening Star - Rha Ohm god of the sun, leadership, and personality.
Daaxt, The Fire of the Moon - Rha Dau goddess of fire, ash, and the moon.
Bolurashtryll, the Diner - Dau Ohm titan of the first meal and consumption.
Pmardm, the Cut - Wim Ohm titan of fresh blood of the old creations.
Abdesh, God of Teaching - Quae Vei god of advise and discovery.
Jaega & Dopapvn, the Hands - Vei Ohm titan servants to the Old Gods.
Nakana, Goddess of the Search - Vei Ohm goddess of wisdom and judgement.
Suragni, Goddess of Trust - Vei Ela goddess of honor and betrayal.
Akulmm, Mediator of Magic & Materia - Vei Ela god of joy, magic, and the material world.