expand_less This is inspired by Greek mythology, with an emphasis on the cultivation and appreciation for beauty. Some gods might take this a bit too far.
I knew players would expect to encounter Greek/Roman-inspired gods, so I considered carefully where to place them.  My first instinct was to center them in Sace, since they seemed to stand out as charismatic, engaging characters.  Aphrodite/Venus, for example, seemed like a good fit for the goddess of love in Rha Sace and Athena/Minerva as a goddess of wisdom in Sace Vei.  Then I realized that most Greek/Roman myths weren't especially romantic stories of love, but of the coveting of beauty and its pursuit.  Both Glei and Sace are the colors of the arts, and so I considered centering the pantheon in Glei.
In this formulation, our Zeus/Jupiter analog in Glei Ohm is primarily the god of beauty.  Not because he himself is beautiful, but because he appreciates and covets beauty above all else.  He's an all-seeing god that obsesses over the sublime perfection of mortals, engaging in numerous not-so-romantic affairs.  The element of storm happens to be in Jutu Glei, so a natural part of his development might be absorbing that domain to smite his enemies with lightning.
Greek mythology happens to call out exactly [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Olympians|Twelve Olympians]] that serve as their primary deities, so in theory we should be able to assign these evenly to the twelve colors of this pantheon.  Depending on your perspective, a disadvantage of centering the pantheon in Glei is that certain unexpected gods take the spotlight.  For example, the Glei Sace deity has the domains of trickery and charm, implying a similarity to either Hermes/Mercury or Aphrodite/Venus.  Perhaps a merger of the two, emphasizing the overlap of seduction and deception?  Likewise, Athena/MInerva would likely be the inspiration for the Glei Quae deity, this time emphasizing knowledge over wisdom.  Then again, she might better fit as a Glei Pfi deity, given her disposition toward science, crafts, and strategic warfare.  My intuition tells me that this might be a rare instance where we split a deity to keep both aspects.  Artemis/Diana makes the most sense as the Jutu Glei goddess, given her proclivity for hunting and archery.  But wait, shouldn't this be the original goddess of storms?  What's the story behind how Glei Ohm got that power?  I'd say I'm still conflicted because of the prospect of a Greek-inspired pantheon where Hermes and Artemis are two of the four greater gods over, say, the more iconic Apollo, Aphrodite, or Ares.
Fortunately, consideration of the other colors helps to clarify things a bit.  For example, we know that Jutu will be largely Native American inspired pantheon.  Perhaps there are two overlaps between the two pantheons that I can imagine: a story of an Atlantis-like city and an Amazon-like people.  These are tenuous at best, but it might not be too hard to make the Jutu Glei deity a patron goddess of the Amazon-like people.  In the modern timeline I've planned to have the Jutu region colonized by what are essentially Western Imperialists (from Pfi), so the goddess could morph to something like a patron of marksman and gunslingers.  Also, we'd probably have a Thunderbird inspired deity in the Jutu pantheon, so perhaps the domain of storms begins in Jutu Glei but becomes contested by several deities.  Lots of potential for character development there.
With the Glei Sace colors belonging to this pantheon, we'd imagine a god or goddess with the charm of Aphrodite/Venus and the tricks of Hermes/Mercury.  Other trickster gods are perhaps more iconic or well known (Loki comes to mind), but we'll have to drive home that this character is an even more iconic trickster.  Given this emphasis - and the lack of emphasis on love and war - it'll be a challenge to evoke the feeling of a Greek/Roman inspired pantheon just from the four greater deities.  Also of note, while I haven't given much thought to this society in the modern timeline, I imagine a people for whom perception is reality.  Perhap some sort of 1984-esqe totalitarian state that rules with an iron grip on media.  Not sure how the ancient gods or cultures can play into that, but maybe there's some foreshadowing that can be done.