expand_less These aren't new rules, but they bear repeating.

Always use the most recent printing of a class, feat, spell, or other option/rule.  With over 20 years of publications, this can sometimes be difficult, but we expect players to make an honest effort.
Specific overrides general.  This is a game of exceptions, where general rules are presented and then broken by more specific options.  What is more general vs more specific is sometimes difficult to distinguish, but comparing access and coverage are good options (who can take this option? in how many cases would this option apply?).
RAI overrides RAW.  When the designer's intent is clear, and the rules as written are unclear, assume that the rules apply as the designer intended.  If the intent is unclear, and the rules as written are clear, then apply the rules as written.  If neither are clear, bring it to the group for consensus / house ruling.