expand_less For especially high-power / high-level campaigns, players can expect to become mythic characters.  The Epic rules and options from D&D 3.5 are banned, but we plan to replace many of them with homebrew material or house rules as time goes on.  In the meantime, players can reference the [[3.P Mythic House Rules]] for details.
Exactly when player characters become mythic will vary between campaigns and groups, and is meant as something of a surprise.  For planning purposes, you can assume that you'll be able to complete your mythic progression before reaching 20th level.  This may mean that you gain mythic tiers each level from 11 to 20, or by some slower progression starting from an earlier level.  As with leveling, players within the same group will progress at the same rate, barring a few exceptions (such as a player declining mythic status or suddenly gaining an avataric power).
Mythic tiers and their associated abilities do not cost CP, and Mythic Paths cannot be gestalted.