expand_less The following is an expansion of the Base Stat rules first outlined in the [[3.P Gameplay House Rules]][[3.P Gameplay House Rules]].  These rules replace those for Base Stats, Base DC changes, Environmental Rules, Immunity Changes, and Damage Reduction Changes.
At each level of a campaign, the GM(s) will calculate the average gameplay statistics for player characters in all groups.  These averages are referred to as Base Stats.  As the Base Stats represent the average gameplay statistics for all player characters, they're a good baseline for the overall power level of the groups at that level.
To see the current base stats, see [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RRv2hNCWbuuJdqdSRX4rV-01fabaZRL8UELw-aob5kg/edit#gid=0|here]].  You'll notice that in addition to the Base Stat averages, we also calculate upper and lower bounds for certain stats.  These are the Base Stat Bounds, the lowest and highest values that we allow for d20 rolls.  For example, if the Base Stat for a save is +19, then the lower bound would be +10 and the upper bound would be +28.  If a player character were to have that save at less than +10, they would automatically increase that save bonus to +10.  Likewise, if they had a save bonus over +28, they would automatically decrease that save bonus to +28.  This means that a nat 20 roll from the lower PC would exceed a nat 1 roll from the higher PC (30 vs. 29 respectively), giving them at least a slim chance in a head-to-head matchup.  We apply these Bounds to NPCs as well as PCs.
These Base Stats assume that the PCscharacters are unbuffed (that is they haven't cast any spells or used any abilities to increase their stats temporarily).  If the PCscharacters are buffed, different Base Stats are used with different Bounds.  Note that the Buffed Base Stat Bounds represent the absolute ceiling for stats in the game: no encounter demands PCs with higher stats than these.  Any further optimization is a waste.  Players are strongly encouraged to keep their stats relatively close to that of other PCs, and these rules were introduced because we understand that it's easy to accidentally over-optimize. 
However, we also recognize that pushing the limits is part of the fun of the game, and so rather than just strictly limit each PC to the stats stats, we're allowing a single Unbound stat per PC.  For example, if your character is an Avatar of Strength, you might want your CMB checks for grapples to be Unbounded.  This would allow these checks to exceed the Buffed and Unbuffed Bounds listed for CMB.  But only those checks.  CMB checks made to trip would still be Bound, for example.  In some cases, multiple niche or obscure stats can be Unbounded.  For example, appraise and escape artist are relatively obscure skills, so we'd allow both stats to be Unbounded if a PC asked.  But Perception is one of the most frequently used skills, so that should be naturally unbound.  Feel free to discuss with the GM(s). 
Some stats, like damage, aren't d20 rolls and thus don't have natural Bounds.  In those cases, we recommend certain Bounds, but players don't strictly need to abide by these.  In general, we recommend keeping your damage below your HP - after all, you wouldn't want to meet your twin that can one-shot you!  It should be noted that some encounters will be completely Unbounded - these aren't encounters that PCs are ever intended to play as part of the normal difficulty curve of the campaign, but we'd like to leave the possibility open in case y'all decide to challenge Cthulhu or something.