Wagn Help+original


Wagn. For the Organizing Artist
  • Database

    Complex structures without the complex interface. Types, compound names, formatting, and a native query language comprise a powerful bottom-up data-organizing toolset. Howto

  • Website

    Layouts and views help you present information flexibly and beautifully. Howto

  • Workflow

    Web submissions, project proposals, meeting records, customer info, research, sketches, reports...  Wagn helps teams create, evolve, and connect all their information flows in fluid and adaptive ways. Howto


Wagn. Go Together
  • Accounts

    Configure accounts and roles to make your Wagn as open or closed as desired. Howto

  • Permissions

    An elegant permissions system allows fine-grained control over who can create, read, update, and delete. Howto

  • History

    Don't worry about breaking things. Every card has a revision history, and even deleting cards doesn't permanently destroy them, it just puts them in the trash.  So all changes can be reviewed and reversed. Howto

  • Evolution

    Building great collaborative websites requires thoughtfully adapting technology to community needs. Wagn is designed to evolve with you. Howto


Wagn. How Pioneers Roll.
  • Cards

    Cards are Wagn's building blocks. Everything – text, files, images, accounts, etc. – is in a card. Howto

  • Types

    Every card has a type. Many types, like users, images, and searches, come with Wagn out of the box, and you can create new types as you go. Howto

  • Navbox

    The navbox is a search bar, an auto-completer, and a shortcut for creating new cards. Howto

  • Menus

    Card menus let you navigate, edit, configure, and administer without shifting context. Howto

  • Rules

    The heart of configuring Wagn is creating rules. Reached via the "advanced" menu item, rules control every aspect of a card's behavior and appearance, from permissions to formatting to help text and beyond. Howto