Vesper Primer+Full Round Actions
Sphere: Gladiator (Demoralize)
As a full-round action, you may expend martial focus to make an Intimidate check to demoralize all targets within 30 ft. of you who can both see and hear you. You may choose to take a -10 penalty on the check; if you do so you do not have to expend martial focus. Associated Feat: Dazzling Display.
When you charge, you can move through allies and opponents almost as if they were not there to obstruct your path. You can move through squares containing allies freely, but you must succeed at an overrun combat maneuver check for each opponent that obstructs your path to the target of your charge. If the result of the check exceeds the opponent's CMD, you may move through the opponent's square and continue toward the target without provoking an attack of opportunity from that opponent. If you fail any of these combat maneuver checks, your movement ends in the square before that opponent, but you may resolve the charge attack against the foe that stopped you.