Suragni of The Calm Fire

On the anniversary of the death of Vis'Ras and the rise of Rajiyu, an Ashen witnessed Rajiyu, their leader, bow to Nakana. They could not believe such a thing and began to argue with Rajiyu. Nakana eventually intervened, starting the Second Debate. It is unknown what exactly the debate was about, but it resolved in the two admiring one another. For this, Nakana whispered the Ashen the Truth, elevating them to a god - Suragni.

Suragni is known as the defender of the Truth. If evil and chaos ever outweigh good and order, Surgani sends down an avatar to correct the balance of all. This is sometimes called Suragni's Three Strides, as the avatar saves each world - the earth, the ether, and the domain of the gods.

RP: Once a follower of Rajiyu, Suragni carries on a legacy of an emphasis on loyalty, honor, and the moral. Familiar with the possibility with the Lost Truth, the instability of time, and gifted with the Truth, they feel the precarious bedrock on which the universe stands. They feel compelled to protect the idealistic Nakana and the divided Rajuyi. In this way they see themselves as a mediator. They oversee the creation of the Avatars - heros - and is often like a classic hero themself - modest, courageous, moral, and seeking the origin of evil. They can be male or female, but are usually a goddess.

Visual: Suragni has the body of a woman or man. Thie skin is dark blue woven with the pattern of lotus flowers and conch shells. They often rest on a great Ijiji similar to Vis'Ras, an immense snake like deity - sometimes said to be Vis'ras itself. Other times they ride an eagle.  They carry a mace, a disc, a golden egg, and an eagle feather. In nature era they are the eagle.

Akulmm, Mediator of Magic & Materia

Akulmm lives in the Far Halled Chamber, opposite of Zoaraeos, high above the Holy Isles of the Elhannai. Together they serve Teurzg and the will of an unknown code.

Akulmm is a mediator thar oversees the joy and balance of all that is magic, material, and inbetween. They seek to organize and mediate the material and magical world, and do so by speaking directly to the objects, elements, and magics that live through them. They receive power when successful in this goal. In times of high spirits, when the magics are at peace with the elements, Akulmm spreads rare gifts to their friends perceivable only in the order. Baubles blessed with immortal charms, wagons whose wheels leave a golden trail, and other invaluable magical items. It is not known if great cursed items will come from Akulmm if there is an immense chaos in the elemental world, but it's possible.

There is an honor and code to the elements that Akulmm deeply respects.

Akulmm's chamber is opposite of Zoaraeos, the balancer of the heavens, stars, and planets. Though they cannot see or understand eachother's work, they respect and love one another, and communicate through shouts across the hall or more often, through Teurzg.

In the nature era, Akulmm is the Downy Octopus. Akulmm oversees the beasts and intelligent life on the land of the Holy Isles.


RP: Akulmm is like an alchemist, scientist, or crafter type, but on a large scale material science level combined with a mystical ethics and an uknown religion. They react to immense and/or very specific instances of the elements such as a volcano, a waterfall, a storm, a deeply cursed item, a deeply blessed item, a heavy vein of rare ore, and so on. Akulmm has a sense of fascination and respect, like an optimstic judge or a studious naturalist. They do not seek to categorize everything, as much as bring about a positive or neutral relationship between these aspects of the universe. 

Zoaraeos  - Balancer of the Heavens - is across the infinite hall in the opposite chamber. Both bound, you may never meet, buy you love one another like siblings. Sometimes more.

Akulmm's own self-imposed bonds to futher their test of faith are based off of their intimacy with the elements. Fire blocks their path, a flood coming from another direction, an immense chain of crackling magical energy around their ankles. None of this is actually too much of a nusicance to them, as much as it is a religious practice and sign of respect to their work.

Like other Aogos, Akulmm has unusual hidden pockets of mortal-like behavior. Besides Akulmm's obvious interest in how things are made, Akulmm is a large reader of literature that is totally incomprehensible to anything that isn't a long dead god.

Visual: Akulmm is an adrogynous figure of considerably varying materia and magica. They hold many layers of it all trying to find some inner balance between them. And so legs made of stones, metals, woods. A torso of crystals, and leaves, and water, and liquor,  and oil, and so on, the head last being made of magical items, most of them gold or black iron. A very mystical looking leemental kind of figure. They wear a simple wrap of cloth that has its own inability to decide what it is made of. Their chamber is like if every magical item in the world, every cursed item in the world, every expereiment, and every element all got shoved into  a chamber at the end of an infinite prayer hall.

All this is surrounded and consumed by a self-inflicted bonding by Akulmm, made of dark fire, flooding water, crackling magic, and many curioius kinds of bonds.

However their face should remain mainly peaceful.