Sirene Primer+Standard Actions+Sphere_Spells+Illusion_Manipulate_Aura_DC_17

Sphere: Illusion (sensory)

SP Cost: 1

Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 CL)
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
Saving Throw: Will disbelief

You may make illusions that creates or changes magical auras. As a figment or glamer you may change an area, spell, creature, or object’s magical aura to make the aura appear as a magic effect or item you specify, or as if under the effects of a spell or sphere ability you specify, or reduce the caster level of its existent aura. You cannot create or lower an aura’s perceived caster level more than up to twice your caster level. Making an aura appear to have a caster level of 0 completely conceals a magical aura as if the target was non-magical. You may make these changes as part of creating an illusion (including altering or erasing the aura of the illusion itself), or independently as a trick with a duration of up to 1 day per caster level.

As you create a figment or a glamer, you may apply this sensory talent to change what sphere of magic it belongs to for the purpose of people identifying the school of magic or sphere effect via the Spellcraft skill or detect magic (or similar spell or ability). For example, if you change the apparent sphere from Illusion to Destruction, any attempt to identify the sphere effect with the Spellcraft skill will reveal it as belonging to the Destruction sphere, not the Illusion sphere.

Instead of ‘disbelieving’ a manipulated aura, a target examining this aura through detection magic must succeed at a magic skill check against the creator of the aura. If the check succeeds, the detection effect functions normally detecting both the true aura and this trick, but on a failure the detection magic believes the manipulated aura and does not detect this trick. Effects that grant bonuses to Will saves against illusions add those bonuses to this magic skill check.

Artifacts are too powerful to have their auras hidden or altered in this manner.

Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power