Sirene Primer+Standard Actions+Sphere_Spells+Illusion_Illusion_DC_17
Sphere: Illusion (sensory)
SP Cost: 1
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 CL)
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will disbelief
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to create an illusion within close range. This illusion may be a figment or a glamer, and has a duration of concentration, to a maximum of 1 minute per caster level. By default, these illusions are visual only. You cannot move further away from the illusion than your illusion range while maintaining it through concentration, and the illusion is limited in size according to Table: Illusion Maximum Size.
Table: Illusion Maximum Size
Caster Level Illusion Maximum Size Maximum Size in cubes
Table: Illusion Maximum Size
Caster Level | Illusion Maximum Size | Maximum Size in Cubes |
1st | Medium | 5-ft. cube |
3rd | Large | 10-ft.cube |
5th | Huge | 15-ft. cube |
8th | Gargantuan | 20-ft. cube |
11th | Colossal | 30-ft. cube |
15th | Colossal+ | 45-ft. cube |
20th | Colossal++ | 70-ft. cube |
25th | Colossal+++ | 100-ft. cube |
30th | Colossal++++ | 150-ft. cube |
40th | Colossal+++++ | 225-ft. cube |
50th | Colossal++++++ | 340-ft. cube |
60th | Colossal+++++++ | 500-ft. cube |
Figments: You may create an illusion that is a figment of anything you may clearly imagine, which behaves according to your desires.
Glamers: You may create an illusion that is a glamer. The maximum size of creature you may apply this glamer to is determined by your illusion maximum size.
Minor Figmets:
Sphere: Illusion (figment)
Casting Time: Standard action
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
You may create unconvincing figments. This is the same as creating an illusion and can include all senses you can affect through (sense) talents, except it is obviously fake (i.e., it is translucent, unrealistic, etc.), requiring no one to attempt a Will save to disbelieve. However, the effects can still be used to create distractions, display images, draw a map, or be used for entertainment. This counts as possessing the required tools to attempt any appropriate Perform check (such as creating a melody with the Illusionary Sound talent).
Minor Glamers
Sphere: Illusion (glamer)
Casting Time: Standard action
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
You may make minor changes to objects or creatures up to your illusion maximum size, such as changing their color, making them appear clean or dirty, making writing appear, or other minor alterations.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Illusionary Touch:
You may make an illusion that feels real to the touch, including temperature and texture. Your illusion still cannot hold weight (thus while touching the wall would only grant a new saving throw, being thrown into the wall would still cause the creature to pass through).
You may take this talent a total of twice; when taken a second time, your illusions may also cause pain. When coming into contact with an appropriate illusion (stepping into fire, being hit by an illusionary enemy, etc.), if the subject fails their Will save to disbelieve they take nonlethal damage equal to your caster level + your casting ability modifier. A target can only be damaged by your illusions once in a round, no matter how many times it thinks the illusion has hurt it.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Shadow Infusion:
SP Cost: 1
When using an Illusion sphere effect you may spend an additional spell point to render the illusion quasi-real, granting it the shadow descriptor. If you have a shadow pool you may use a shadow point instead of a spell point. Illusions that you grant the (shadow) descriptor to with the Shadow Infusion talent are modified in the following ways:
If you possess Illusionary Touch x2, you may transform the damage dealt by the illusion to either acid, bludgeoning, cold, fire, electricity, piercing, or slashing (chosen when the illusion is created but can be altered with the illusion), and may make it either lethal or nonlethal. If you also possess Illusionary Sound you may create shadow effects that deal sonic damage. If you also possess Manipulate Aura you may spend an additional spell point each round to create shadow effects that deal force, positive energy, or negative energy damage.
If an illusion would have a negated effect if disbelieved, a shadow version of that illusion instead has its effectiveness reduced by half (rounded down). For Will saves, this changes the save to a Will
(partial) save instead of Will (negates).
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Theme Fixation (Snakes)
You may only create figments and glamers within a specific and narrow theme such as dragons, cubes, insects, cards, weapons, hands, etc.
The exact nature of this concept should be worked out with the GM, but as a rule of thumb, this should consist of a consistent singular theme; you might only be able to create figments or glamers of dragons, or be able to create a figment of fire if it originated from the mouth of a dragon glamer. The GM is the final arbiter on whether an image or idea fits into the dedicated theme. You must take a (sensory) talent as the bonus talent granted by this drawback.
Incompatible: Disappearance, Glamered Brew
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power