Sirene Primer
Must rest 8 hours to recover spell points and shape veils (up to 2). This requires no extra time (as preparing spells does). Generally, Sirene will invest essence into her shaped veils at the start of each day up to her current maximum capacity.
Most days, she shapes the Bands of the Asura and the Beastshaper's Cord, choosing Size Change as her Sphereshaper's bonus talent.
A few other useful veils are linked below: (Lich's Grasp, taking Manipulate Undead or Command Undead as bonus talents)
Here's a link to the full list of known veils:
At the start of each day, she'll also make sure to gain her martial focus.
14 spell points
5 essence
4 shadow points
spell points can be traded 2 for 1 essence or 1 for 1 shadow point
essence can be traded 1 for 2 spell points
At the start of each battle, she starts with 2 tension. She can gain as much as 8 tension at a time. Usually, she gains about 2 tension per turn.
Your mastery of unarmored combat is so great that even changes to your body do not impede you. You no longer lose the benefits of Unarmored Training when under any polymorph effect.
Appears In : Champions of the Spheres
Unarmored Training +6
Sphere: Equipment
Your deft movements, physical conditioning, and expert use of your chosen weapons allow you to create a protective barrier around yourself as effective as any true suit of armor. When unarmored and unencumbered, you gain a +3 armor bonus to your AC. This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 points of base attack bonus you possess. Characters who gain Acrobatics as a class skill may instead choose to have the armor bonus increase by +1 for every 3 ranks in the Acrobatics skill they possess.
This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. You lose these bonuses when you are immobilized or helpless, when you wear any armor, or when you carry a medium or heavy load. These bonuses do not stack with the AC bonus class feature of the monk or similar abilities.
This bonus depends on an intricate awareness of the practicioner’s body and balance, and as such is lost when the target is under any shapeshift other than blank form, or is polymorphed into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type.
Appears In : Spheres of Might
You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.
Benefit: With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.
Appears In : Not Grant Default Combat Feats, Not Enable all World is Square rules
At 2nd level, whenever a mountebank makes a successful attack with a light, finessable, or ranged weapon, she may choose not to add her Strength modifier (or any other ability modifier she would add) to the damage roll. If she does, she gains a circumstance bonus on that damage roll equal to her casting ability modifier; this bonus cannot exceed her class level. If any effect would prevent the mountebank from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll (or if she would normally be unable to, such as with crossbows), she cannot use this ability.
At 6th level, a mountebank gains a +1 bonus to the spell’s save DC when she casts a spell that affects any foe who would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not). This bonus increases by +1 at 12th and 18th level.
The back alley grifter gains the tension and tension technique class features, using her casting modifier in place of her Constitution modifier (if it would be different) when determining the amount of tension she can possess and the effects of her tension techniques.
From Striker:
A striker is at home in battle, thriving on the raw energy of combat to fuel her attacks. A striker begins the day with no tension, but can gain tension in the following ways (a striker cannot gain tension from each of these more than once per round and a striker must be in combat to gain tension):
Offensive Pressure: Whenever the striker successfully damages a creature with an unarmed strike or makes successful combat maneuver check against a creature to initiate a combat maneuver, she gains 1 tension.
Defensive Determination: Whenever the striker takes damage from an attack originating from a creature (including spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities), she gains 1 tension. A striker does not gain tension from attacks made against her while she is flat-footed or unaware.
Maneuvering Momentum: Whenever the striker moves 10 ft. or more during her turn (this cannot be forced movement), she gains 1 tension.
Her tension goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Constitution modifier (minimum 1), though some feats, abilities, and magic items may affect this maximum. At 3rd level and every three levels afterward, her maximum tension increases by 1. If a striker spends 1 minute or longer outside of combat, she loses all tension she possesses.
Tension Techniques (Ex)
A striker can spend tension in order to accomplish incredible feats and each tension technique can only be used once per round (if an ability does not have an associated action listed, using it is a free action which can be done during anyone’s turn). Unless stated otherwise, you must activate a tension technique before any applicable rolls are made. For example, if you activate Expert Guard, you must do so before making a saving throw.
Appears In : Lost Champions: Mountebank
Prerequisites: Illusion sphere (Manipulate Aura (sensory, magic)); Illusion sphere (Shadow Infusion) or shadow pool;
Shadow Magic or create reality class feature.
Benefit: When using the Shadow Magic feat or create reality class feature to duplicate effects from another sphere, you may spend a shadow point to treat the effect as both from the Illusion sphere and the sphere it is mimicking. This allows you to apply bonuses from items, class features, talents or feats that benefit that sphere as well as the Illusion sphere.
This feat does not allow you to apply the caster level bonus from staves for two different spheres. For example, when using create reality or Shadow Magic to produce a destructive blast, you may apply Destruction talents you possess and apply the caster level bonus from either a staff of Destruction or Illusion, apply bonus damage from elementalist energy specialization class feature and treat both your fey adept and elementalist levels as full caster levels for calculating the caster level.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Benefit: When casting a sphere effect, you may increase the wild magic chance by 100% to add a single talent that you do not possess from one of the effect’s base spheres to the effect. For every 5 wild magic feats you possess, increase the number of talents gained this way by +1. You must still meet any prerequisites that the talents possesses. When gaining multiple talents with this feat, you may use a talent gained this way as a prerequisite for other gained talents.
Appears In : Wild Magic Handbook
Prerequisites: Illusion sphere (Shadow Infusion) or shadow pool.
Benefit: You may mimic other spheres of magic by shaping shadowstuff. As a free action, you may spend 1 shadow point to grant yourself a temporary magic sphere or talent you do not possess from the following list: Alteration, Conjuration, Creation, Dark, Death, Destruction, Enhancement, Light, Nature, Protection or Weather sphere for 1 minute. For every 5 surreal feats you possess, you may grant yourself an additional temporary talent from the chosen sphere. You must still meet any prerequisites that the talents possess. When gaining multiple talents with this feat, you may use a talent gained this way as a prerequisite for other gained talents.
Any sphere talents or abilities gained from this feat are treated as if they were from the Illusion sphere and possess the shadow descriptor. Shadow magic, by its nature, has a very real effect even if disbelieved, although usually a reduced one. Unless stated otherwise, objects created as shadow illusions are made of shadowstuff (stable), and creatures have 1/5th their normal hit points.
The effective caster level of effects created using this feat is equal to your caster level in the Illusion sphere -2 (minimum 1). You may not have more than one sphere effect active at a time from the spheres granted from this feat. A second use of this feat immediately ends the duration of the previous use.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Whenever you make an attack action or an attack of opportunity against a target that is within 30 ft. and that you are flanking, that is flat-footed, or that has lost its Dexterity bonus to AC (such as through a successful feint), you deal an additional +1d6 precision damage to the target. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. This damage increases by an additional 1d6 precision damage for every 5 points of base attack bonus you possess.
A fencer may apply the effects of a single (exploit) talent to any fatal thrust.
Appears In : Spheres of Might
The striker increases the critical threat range of her unarmed strikes by 1 until the beginning of her next turn; this bonus stacks with other increases to the striker’s unarmed strikes critical threat range, but is applied last.
Whenever a back alley grifter successfully attacks a creature with an unarmed strike, that creature must make a successful Reflex saving throw or be treated as flat footed for 1 round.
For each tension a striker spends on this tension technique, she gains a +1 circumstance bonus on all saves until the beginning of her next turn.
For each tension a striker spends on this tension technique, she gains a +1 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls made with unarmed strikes until the beginning of her next turn.
Lasting Flame (Ex)
The circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls granted by the striker’s fiery offense tension technique now lasts until the end of her next turn.
The striker automatically confirms a critical threat made with an unarmed strike.
The striker can reroll a saving throw after the result has been revealed, although she must accept the result of the reroll, even if it is worse.
Lucky Chance (Ex)
The striker reduces the tension needed for her second chance tension technique by 1. Also she can spend an additional tension while using this tension technique to gain a bonus on the reroll equal to her Charisma modifier.
For each tension a striker spends on this tension technique, she gains a +1 dodge bonus to her armor class until the beginning of her next turn.
Aura moderate Dark; CL 3rd; Scaling wonder
Slot shoulders; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This silk cloak seems to fade in and out of the light and grants the wearer a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws.
5th Level – 3,500 gp: The wearer may, as a move action, activate the umbral mantle to enshroud himself in darkness, gaining concealment (20% miss chance) for a single round. The wearer may activate the umbral mantle as an immediate action by spending a spell point, in which case the effects last for 1 minute. Creatures capable of seeing in pure darkness (such as from the Clearsight (meld) talent from the Dark sphere, or with the see in darkness ability) are not subject to this miss chance.
7th Level – 7,000 gp: The umbral mantle now grants a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws.
8th Level – 8,500 gp: The umbral mantle when activated grants a 30% miss chance for a single round.
9th Level – 13,500 gp: The umbral mantle now grants a +3 resistance bonus to saving throws.
10th Level – 15,000 gp: The umbral mantle when activated grants a 40% miss chance for a single round.
11th Level – 22,000 gp: The umbral mantle now grants a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws.
12th Level – 32,500 gp: The umbral mantle now grants a +5 resistance bonus to saving throws. When the umbral mantle is activated, it instead grants total concealment (50% miss chance) for a single round.
Construction Requirements
Forge Charm, Dark sphere; Cost 16,250 gp
Shadow Shield (9d4+9 temp HP, -2 dmg, 40 feet)
Benefit: You may, as a swift action, spend a shadow point to create a protective layer of shadowstuff around a creature or object within 25 feet + 5 feet per 2 character level. This grants 1d4 temporary hit points for every character level you possess. Any creature that has at least 1 temporary hit point granted by your shadow shield also gains damage reduction 1/-. This damage reduction improves by an additional 1 per 5 character levels you possess. These temporary hit points last 1 minute.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Shadow Shield, Improved
Benefit: Improve the temporary hit points granted by your shadow shield to 1d4+1 per character level. Instead of providing DR/-, the shadow shield reduces all hit point damage from all sources by the same amount.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
You grew up among other creatures and constantly used your magic to become one of them.
Benefit: Choose one (transformation) talent. Twice per day as a swift action when using shapeshift to apply this (transformation) to yourself, you may extend the shapeshift’s duration without spending a spell point.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Every creature has a finite amount of essence in their being, referred to as an essence pool. While essence is not typically expended when veils or other akashic effects are activated, a given creature can only devote a certain amount of their essence to any particular function. This is done by investing the essence into the chosen receptacle, which could be a veil, akashic feat, or other ability. Unless otherwise noted, investing or reallocating essence to or from a valid receptacle is a swift action.
As a move action, you may move up to half your speed and make a melee touch attack against a creature. If successful, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier (or whichever attribute was used to make the check) and gains the battered condition until the end of your next turn.
You may perform a shove in place of the attack granted by a charge, although this does not grant the extra movement. When you successfully perform a bull rush, drag, reposition, or overrun combat maneuver (assuming the target decided to block you and did not simply move out of the way), you may apply the effect of one
(manhandle) talent you know to that creature. (Manhandle) talents cannot be applied to maneuvers performed as a free action.
Appears In : Spheres of Might
Aura moderate Dark; CL 3rd; Scaling wonder
Slot shoulders; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This silk cloak seems to fade in and out of the light and grants the wearer a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws.
5th Level – 3,500 gp: The wearer may, as a move action, activate the umbral mantle to enshroud himself in darkness, gaining concealment (20% miss chance) for a single round. The wearer may activate the umbral mantle as an immediate action by spending a spell point, in which case the effects last for 1 minute. Creatures capable of seeing in pure darkness (such as from the Clearsight (meld) talent from the Dark sphere, or with the see in darkness ability) are not subject to this miss chance.
7th Level – 7,000 gp: The umbral mantle now grants a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws.
8th Level – 8,500 gp: The umbral mantle when activated grants a 30% miss chance for a single round.
9th Level – 13,500 gp: The umbral mantle now grants a +3 resistance bonus to saving throws.
10th Level – 15,000 gp: The umbral mantle when activated grants a 40% miss chance for a single round.
11th Level – 22,000 gp: The umbral mantle now grants a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws.
12th Level – 32,500 gp: The umbral mantle now grants a +5 resistance bonus to saving throws. When the umbral mantle is activated, it instead grants total concealment (50% miss chance) for a single round.
Construction Requirements
Forge Charm, Dark sphere; Cost 16,250 gp
You must create your magic through singing, drawing, or performing some other activity. Your magic is tied to a particular Perform, Profession, or Craft skill (although with GM permission another skill may be substituted). You must succeed at a skill check to use any sphere ability. The DC of this skill check is 15 + the ability’s caster level. For every 2 points by which this skill check falls short of this DC, the ability manifests at -1 caster level. If this reduces the ability to a caster level below 0, the manifested ability fails and any spell points used are lost.
A caster with Skilled Casting must be able to perform their skill to use their magic, which is similar to but not the same as possessing other drawbacks. For example, a caster who must draw to create magic must have at least one hand free, although unless he also possesses Somatic Casting he may do so while wearing any armor without a chance of arcane spell failure. Likewise, a caster who uses music to create magic must be able to speak, but unless he also possesses Verbal Casting he can do so by whispering and thus not automatically break stealth.
At the GM’s discretion, this drawback may count as two drawbacks if the skill involved requires bulky equipment or the use of both hands (for example, the Perform (strings) skill, or Craft (stonework)).
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
You must gesture to cast spells—a process that requires you to have at least 1 hand unoccupied. When using magic, you cannot wear armor heavier than light without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure.
You may select this drawback twice. If taken a second time, you cannot wear any armor or use a shield without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure.
Note: With GM permission, it is possible to modify this drawback so that, when taken once, the caster may wear either light or medium armor but cannot use a shield without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure, mimicking the core bloodrager.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
You have a base wild magic chance of 10%. This wild magic chance does not stack with wild magic chance from other sources. You may not possess both this drawback and the Wild Magic general drawback found in Spheres of Power.
Appears In : Wild Magic Handbook
Wild Magic Chance: Wild magic chance is the likelihood of a wild magic event occurring and can be increased or decreased by a variety of sources, such as class abilities, feats, boons, and drawbacks. Wild magic chance changes from different sources always stack unless noted. The result of all bonuses and penalties to an effect’s wild magic chance is referred to as its total wild magic chance. A creature is always aware of its wild magic chance unless otherwise noted. Total wild magic chance cannot be reduced below 0%.
Wild magic chance applies to the casting of all spells and sphere abilities. Spell-like abilities and activated items do not normally have a base wild magic chance (unless an item is crafted with one as described in “wild magic and talent-based item crafting”), but effects that would increase wild magic chance - such as the Aura of Chaos mystic combat - apply to any spell-like ability or item that requires activation each time it is used or activated. Extraordinary abilities, supernatural abilities, and items that grant a continuous effect are not subject to wild magic chance.
Wild Magic Event: Wild magic events vary widely in effect. If an event calls for a save, the save DC is always that of the effect that triggered the event. If the event is triggered by an ability that does not have a defined save DC, such as using the Shift Cost feat on a mageknight’s mystic combat ability, the DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the creature that originated the effect’s Hit Dice + the creature’s casting ability modifier (or highest mental ability score, if it does not possess the casting class feature).
If multiple events are triggered by one effect, resolve them in the order they are rolled. If two or more events have conflicting results, such as each changing the damage type of a destructive blast, the last result rolled supersedes the previous results. Duplicate results do not stack.
Events that modify the effect are applied before the triggering effect is resolved. All other events are resolved immediately after the triggering event is resolved.
A wild magic event is subject to spell resistance if the triggering effect was subject to spell resistance. A caster’s spell resistance never applies to wild magic events triggered by that caster, nor are casters ever immune to the results of their own wild magic events, the chaotic nature of wild magic overcoming even creature type-based immunities. Any saves required by the wild magic result should be rolled before the result is revealed.
Making The Rolls: For a total wild magic chance up to 100%, you risk a single wild magic event. Roll 1d100; If the result is less than or equal to the wild magic chance, then a wild magic result roll must be made. Roll 1d100 on the table corresponding to the effect’s base sphere to determine the result of the wild magic event. For wild magic chance of 100% to 200%, one wild magic event is guaranteed and a second is possible. Roll 1d100; if this result is less than or equal to the wild magic chance -100, then roll a d100 twice and apply both results. If rolling above the wild magic chance -100, then roll a single d100 and apply the result.
If not using the major event rules (see Variant Rules), then no effect may have a wild magic chance above 200%. Any effect that would have its wild magic chance increased to above 200% simply fails. The spell points and actions are still spent and the caster takes untyped backlash damage equal to the effect’s caster level.
Multiple Spheres: If more than one sphere is used in the effect, divide the total wild magic chance, up to 200%, by the number of base spheres, rounding up, then roll that wild magic result on the tables for each base sphere. If using the major events rules (see Variant Rules), wild magic chance over 200% is rolled on the major events table as usual, then the remaining 200% chance is divided by the total number of spheres and rolled on the sphere specific result tables.
No Base Sphere:If an effect does not have a base sphere, such as applying a wild magic chance to a mystic combat or other class ability, roll on the universal wild magic table instead.
For convenience, here's links to each wild magic table:
Sphere: Alteration
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Personal
Duration: Concentration (1 minute per caster level for 1 SP)
As a standard action you may shapeshift yourself or a touched creature, changing their form for as long as you concentrate. If the target is unwilling, this costs a spell point, and they are allowed a Fortitude save to negate. Shapeshifts are subject to spell resistance. You may spend a spell point to allow a shapeshift to remain for 1 minute per caster level without concentration. You may dismiss your shapeshift as a standard action.
Shapeshift is a polymorph effect. A target may only be affected by one shapeshift at any one time. If a caster attempts to place a second shapeshift on a target, he must succeed at a magic skill check. If he succeeds, the second shapeshift is successfully placed on the target, dismissing and dispelling the first.
When shapeshifting a target, the caster must choose a transformation and a series of traits for them. Transformations change a creature’s basic physical makeup (humanoids, dragons, land animals, birds, etc.) while traits are special characteristics or alterations (natural attacks, creature size, monster special abilities, etc.). A caster may grant up to 1 trait + 1 per 5 caster levels and cannot grant the same trait more than once unless the trait indicates it may be granted multiple times.
With the exception of Blank Transformation (detailed below), placing a transformation on a creature causes that creature’s physical body to change into that of another creature. The target gains the listed number of limbs and loses all others. The target loses any extraordinary or supernatural abilities, natural attacks, and movement types dependent on their original form (darkvision, scent, wings, claws, etc.) and gains the listed benefits in their place.
Alternate sources of physical traits (such as a dragon sorcerer’s ability to grow claws) still function. In addition, if the target changes their basic shape (for example, from humanoid to non-humanoid), the target’s equipment melds into their new form, causing them to lose their armor and shield bonuses and the ability to pull any item from a backpack or belt. They also cannot activate magic items
(although constant bonuses from magic items still remain).
This cannot be used to assume the guise of a specific individual creature, but otherwise adds a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks made to appear as a different race, gender, or species. The caster may cause the target to cosmetically appear as whatever type of creature he desires, although if the target is not granted the right physical attributes (for example, granting the right size category or number of legs), the disguise may fail completely.
When a caster first gains the Alteration sphere, they may grant creatures the Blank Transformation and the traits listed below. A target must possess the appropriate limb where listed, and cannot grant a natural attack to a limb that already possesses a natural attack.
• Darkvision 60 ft
• Low-light vision
• Two claw attacks (primary, 1d4 Medium, 1d3 Small, requires arms or the front pair of at least 4 legs). You may grant this trait multiple times.
• One bite attack (primary, 1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small, requires head). You may grant this trait multiple times.
• One gore attack (primary, 1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small, requires head). You may grant this trait multiple times.
• Two slam attacks (primary, 1d4 Medium, 1d3 Small, requires arms). You may grant this trait multiple times.
• Two pincers (secondary, 1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small, requires arms). You may grant this trait multiple times.
Serpentine Transformation
You may grant the form of a serpent with your shapeshift.
Limbs: 1 head, 1 tail
Speech: No; Hands: No
Speed: 40 ft. land speed, 20 ft. climb speed
Natural weapons: bite (primary, 1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small)
AC: +2 natural armor bonus, +1 per 5 caster level
Special: Low-light vision, treated as a quadruped for the purpose of carrying capacity.
In addition, the target gains one of the following packages depending on which serpent is being mimicked:
Constrictor: The target gains the grab universal monster ability attached to its bite natural attack, as well the constrict special attack (1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small, + Strength modifier). The target gains the normal +4 bonus on checks made to start and maintain a grapple from the grab ability, but this bonus increases by 1 per 5 caster levels.
Poisonous: When the target makes a successful bite attack, it automatically attempt to poison its target (save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 Hit Dice + Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con damage; cure 1 save).
Serpentine Transformation offers the following traits, which you may apply to any form:
Death Roll: Whenever you maintain a grapple and choose to deal damage to the target with a natural attack, you may attempt a second grapple combat maneuver check as a free action. If successful, the grappled creature is knocked prone. This additional grapple check does not count as maintaining the grapple and does not add any other effects on a successful grapple (such as constrict). Serpentine Tail: The shapeshifted target gains a tail and a circumstance bonus on Acrobatics checks equal to +1 + 1 per 5 caster levels. In addition, the shapeshifted target may use this tail to perform trip combat maneuvers within their natural reach, gaining a bonus on trip combat maneuvers made this way equal to 1/2 the circumstance bonus granted to Acrobatics checks from this talent
(minimum 1). If you gain the ability to use this tail with a tail slap natural attack, attacks made with this tail gain the trip universal monster ability. Special: When granting this trait, you may choose to have this tail replace the shapeshifted target’s legs. If you do, the shapeshifted target’s base land speed is reduced by 10 (to a minimum of 5 feet) and the target cannot be tripped. If the shapeshifted target gains legs through another ability or Alteration sphere trait, such as the Additional Limbs “a pair of legs” trait, the shapeshifted target loses any benefits or adjustments from replacing their legs with this tail.
Strangle: An opponent grappled by the target cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.
Swallow Whole: The target gains the swallow whole ability, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage + an additional 1d6 acid damage per 3 caster levels. The target may swallow creatures up to one size smaller than themselves. This trait may be taken twice; the second time allows the target to swallow creatures up to their own size and grants a bonus to CMB and CMD equal to 1 + 1 per 3 caster levels on grapple checks made to swallow creatures or to prevent them from escaping once swallowed. More than one creature may be swallowed at a time, but may not exceed the maximum total size that can be swallowed, counting two Tiny creatures as one Small creature, two Small creatures as one Medium creature, etc. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon, or it can just try to escape the grapple. The amount of cutting damage required to get free is equal to 1/10 the creature’s total hit points. This damage is inflicted on the swallowing creature as normal. The AC of the interior of a creature that swallows whole is 10 + 1/2 its natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity. If a swallowed creature cuts its way out, the swallowing creature cannot use swallow whole again until the damage is healed. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again. (You must possess a bite attack with the grab ability to gain this trait.)
Sphere: Illusion (sensory)
SP Cost: 1
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 CL)
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will disbelief
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to create an illusion within close range. This illusion may be a figment or a glamer, and has a duration of concentration, to a maximum of 1 minute per caster level. By default, these illusions are visual only. You cannot move further away from the illusion than your illusion range while maintaining it through concentration, and the illusion is limited in size according to Table: Illusion Maximum Size.
Table: Illusion Maximum Size
Caster Level Illusion Maximum Size Maximum Size in cubes
Table: Illusion Maximum Size
Caster Level | Illusion Maximum Size | Maximum Size in Cubes |
1st | Medium | 5-ft. cube |
3rd | Large | 10-ft.cube |
5th | Huge | 15-ft. cube |
8th | Gargantuan | 20-ft. cube |
11th | Colossal | 30-ft. cube |
15th | Colossal+ | 45-ft. cube |
20th | Colossal++ | 70-ft. cube |
25th | Colossal+++ | 100-ft. cube |
30th | Colossal++++ | 150-ft. cube |
40th | Colossal+++++ | 225-ft. cube |
50th | Colossal++++++ | 340-ft. cube |
60th | Colossal+++++++ | 500-ft. cube |
Figments: You may create an illusion that is a figment of anything you may clearly imagine, which behaves according to your desires.
Glamers: You may create an illusion that is a glamer. The maximum size of creature you may apply this glamer to is determined by your illusion maximum size.
Minor Figmets:
Sphere: Illusion (figment)
Casting Time: Standard action
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
You may create unconvincing figments. This is the same as creating an illusion and can include all senses you can affect through (sense) talents, except it is obviously fake (i.e., it is translucent, unrealistic, etc.), requiring no one to attempt a Will save to disbelieve. However, the effects can still be used to create distractions, display images, draw a map, or be used for entertainment. This counts as possessing the required tools to attempt any appropriate Perform check (such as creating a melody with the Illusionary Sound talent).
Minor Glamers
Sphere: Illusion (glamer)
Casting Time: Standard action
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
You may make minor changes to objects or creatures up to your illusion maximum size, such as changing their color, making them appear clean or dirty, making writing appear, or other minor alterations.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Illusionary Touch:
You may make an illusion that feels real to the touch, including temperature and texture. Your illusion still cannot hold weight (thus while touching the wall would only grant a new saving throw, being thrown into the wall would still cause the creature to pass through).
You may take this talent a total of twice; when taken a second time, your illusions may also cause pain. When coming into contact with an appropriate illusion (stepping into fire, being hit by an illusionary enemy, etc.), if the subject fails their Will save to disbelieve they take nonlethal damage equal to your caster level + your casting ability modifier. A target can only be damaged by your illusions once in a round, no matter how many times it thinks the illusion has hurt it.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Shadow Infusion:
SP Cost: 1
When using an Illusion sphere effect you may spend an additional spell point to render the illusion quasi-real, granting it the shadow descriptor. If you have a shadow pool you may use a shadow point instead of a spell point. Illusions that you grant the (shadow) descriptor to with the Shadow Infusion talent are modified in the following ways:
If you possess Illusionary Touch x2, you may transform the damage dealt by the illusion to either acid, bludgeoning, cold, fire, electricity, piercing, or slashing (chosen when the illusion is created but can be altered with the illusion), and may make it either lethal or nonlethal. If you also possess Illusionary Sound you may create shadow effects that deal sonic damage. If you also possess Manipulate Aura you may spend an additional spell point each round to create shadow effects that deal force, positive energy, or negative energy damage.
If an illusion would have a negated effect if disbelieved, a shadow version of that illusion instead has its effectiveness reduced by half (rounded down). For Will saves, this changes the save to a Will
(partial) save instead of Will (negates).
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Theme Fixation (Snakes)
You may only create figments and glamers within a specific and narrow theme such as dragons, cubes, insects, cards, weapons, hands, etc.
The exact nature of this concept should be worked out with the GM, but as a rule of thumb, this should consist of a consistent singular theme; you might only be able to create figments or glamers of dragons, or be able to create a figment of fire if it originated from the mouth of a dragon glamer. The GM is the final arbiter on whether an image or idea fits into the dedicated theme. You must take a (sensory) talent as the bonus talent granted by this drawback.
Incompatible: Disappearance, Glamered Brew
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Sphere: Illusion (glamer)
Saving Throw: Will disbelief
You may create a glamer that makes a creature or object appear as something else. This allows you to attempt a Disguise check as part of casting the glamer, even without a disguise kit. This disguise is magical for the purposes of detecting magic or for spells and effects that allow a target to see through magical effects and illusions, and interacting with it allows for a Will save to disbelieve.
You may disguise a target as something larger than itself (up to your maximum illusion size) but can only make something appear to be one size smaller than it actually is.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Illusionary Touch:
You may make an illusion that feels real to the touch, including temperature and texture. Your illusion still cannot hold weight (thus while touching the wall would only grant a new saving throw, being thrown into the wall would still cause the creature to pass through).
You may take this talent a total of twice; when taken a second time, your illusions may also cause pain. When coming into contact with an appropriate illusion (stepping into fire, being hit by an illusionary enemy, etc.), if the subject fails their Will save to disbelieve they take nonlethal damage equal to your caster level + your casting ability modifier. A target can only be damaged by your illusions once in a round, no matter how many times it thinks the illusion has hurt it.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Theme Fixation (Snakes)
You may only create figments and glamers within a specific and narrow theme such as dragons, cubes, insects, cards, weapons, hands, etc.
The exact nature of this concept should be worked out with the GM, but as a rule of thumb, this should consist of a consistent singular theme; you might only be able to create figments or glamers of dragons, or be able to create a figment of fire if it originated from the mouth of a dragon glamer. The GM is the final arbiter on whether an image or idea fits into the dedicated theme. You must take a (sensory) talent as the bonus talent granted by this drawback.
Incompatible: Disappearance, Glamered Brew
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Sphere: Illusion (sensory)
SP Cost: 1
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 CL)
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
Saving Throw: Will disbelief
You may make illusions that creates or changes magical auras. As a figment or glamer you may change an area, spell, creature, or object’s magical aura to make the aura appear as a magic effect or item you specify, or as if under the effects of a spell or sphere ability you specify, or reduce the caster level of its existent aura. You cannot create or lower an aura’s perceived caster level more than up to twice your caster level. Making an aura appear to have a caster level of 0 completely conceals a magical aura as if the target was non-magical. You may make these changes as part of creating an illusion (including altering or erasing the aura of the illusion itself), or independently as a trick with a duration of up to 1 day per caster level.
As you create a figment or a glamer, you may apply this sensory talent to change what sphere of magic it belongs to for the purpose of people identifying the school of magic or sphere effect via the Spellcraft skill or detect magic (or similar spell or ability). For example, if you change the apparent sphere from Illusion to Destruction, any attempt to identify the sphere effect with the Spellcraft skill will reveal it as belonging to the Destruction sphere, not the Illusion sphere.
Instead of ‘disbelieving’ a manipulated aura, a target examining this aura through detection magic must succeed at a magic skill check against the creator of the aura. If the check succeeds, the detection effect functions normally detecting both the true aura and this trick, but on a failure the detection magic believes the manipulated aura and does not detect this trick. Effects that grant bonuses to Will saves against illusions add those bonuses to this magic skill check.
Artifacts are too powerful to have their auras hidden or altered in this manner.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Sphere: Life
SP Cost: 1
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to touch a target and heal it an amount of damage equal to 1d8 + your caster level. This is a positive energy effect, and as such may be used to harm undead (Will half).
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Sphere: Life
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: Harmless,Will negates
As a standard action, you may invigorate a touched creature, granting them temporary hit points equal to your caster level
(minimum 1). Unlike normal temporary hit points, this ability can only be used on an injured target and cannot raise a target’s current hit points plus their temporary hit points to be higher than their total hit points. This benefit lasts for 1 hour (Will negates
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Sphere: Life
SP Cost: 1
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant or 1 round per caster level
As a standard action, you may touch a target and spend a spell point to restore their health (Will negates (harmless)). When using restore, you must choose to restore mind, body, or soul. If affecting multiple targets, this choice becomes the same for all targets.
If restoring mind, this accomplishes all of the following:
• Removes the dazzled condition.
• Removes the shaken condition or lessens frightened to shaken, or panicked to frightened.
• Removes the staggered condition.
If restoring body, this accomplishes all of the following:
• Removes the battered condition. (See Spheres of Might.)
• Removes the fatigued condition or lessens exhaustion to fatigued.
• Removes the sickened condition or lessens nauseated to sickened.
If restoring soul, this:
Heals 1d4 points of ability damage to one ability score of your choice.
If the condition targeted is part of an on-going effect, restore instead suppresses the condition for a number of rounds equal to your caster level. This cannot be used to remove curses or instantaneous effects.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
At 2nd level, once per round a mountebank can decide to attempt to hide her spell’s manifestations from others, making it appear as though she is doing nothing at all. The attempt to hide the spell slows her casting slightly, such that spells that normally take a swift action now take a move action, spells that take a move action now take a standard action, and spells that take a standard action now take a full-round action, and spells that normally take longer than a standard action take twice as long (free action spells still take a free action).
To discover the mountebank’s ruse, a creature must succeed at a Perception or Spellcraft check (the creature receives an automatic check with whichever of those skills has the highest bonus) against a DC equal to 15 + the mountebank’s number of ranks in Stealth + her casting ability modifier. If the mountebank has a drawback which has an obvious visual or auditory display such as somatic casting or verbal casting, this DC is reduced by 5 for each such drawback, to a minimum of DC 0 (this ability does not hide the visual or auditory display, but rather causes those who see the mountebank casting and fail this check to not notice the display is due to spellcasting). If the mountebank has the virtuoso boon, the DC increases by 5 (the skilled caster drawback does not add to the DC in this circumstance).
If an opponent fails its check, the mountebank’s casting also does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and an opponent that fails its check can’t use readied actions that depend on realizing that the mountebank is casting a spell, or readied actions such as counterspelling that require identifying the spell the mountebank is casting. Spells such as those from the Destruction sphere that create an additional obvious effect (aside from the manifestation of casting that all spells share) still create that effect, though it might not be obvious who cast the spell unless it emanates from the mountebank.
If a character interacts with the mountebank long enough to attempt a Sense Motive check without realizing she have been casting spells, that character can use Sense Motive to gain a hunch that she’s behaving unusually.
Swift Veil (Ex)
At 7th level, the mountebank no longer increases the casting time needed while using her veiled magic class feature.
Whenever you make an attack action with a light or one-handed weapon, you can make an additional attack with a light or one-handed weapon held in your off-hand, though both attacks take a -2 penalty on their attack rolls when doing so; only your initial main hand attack qualifies as an attack action, and the additional attack cannot be made with the same weapon as your initial main hand attack. Your off-hand attack only applies 1/2 your Strength modifier, and if your off-hand attack is made with anything other than a light weapon, both attacks take an additional -2 penalty. Associated Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
Appears In : Spheres of Might
Note: Sirene uses this for her small (poisonous) serpentine form, not the constrictor or river snake forms.
Benefit: Choose one (transformation) Alteration sphere talent that does not cost a spell point. If you choose Anthropomorphic Transformation and are humanoid or of a similar body plan, choose one other (transformation) or (body) talent to use when choosing traits.
As a full-round action, you may assume the form of a single creature whose type corresponds to this form talent per the shapeshift ability of the Alteration sphere as a supernatural ability. The same creature (wolf, spider, treant, etc.) is mimicked and the appearance of that creature is retained each time. The chosen form may be the same as your base size or else Medium or Small, applying size change bonuses and penalties as appropriate if this is not your usual size. When assuming your chosen form, you gain the chosen size. This transformation lasts until you choose to revert to your original form as a full-round action. You gain all the abilities granted by this form (movement modes, natural attacks, special abilities, etc.) but do not gain any traits from the Alteration sphere as part of this transformation. Treat your Hit Dice as your caster level for the purposes of this effect. This is a polymorph effect. Possessing this feat gives you the shapechanger subtype.
Special: You may gain traits from the Blank Form option of the shapeshift ability of the Alteration sphere while under the effects of this feat even though it is a polymorph effect. This feat counts as possessing the Alteration sphere and the chosen (transformation) talent for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites. If you possess the Perfect Imitation talent or Shifting Disguise feat, you may make cosmetic changes to your Transformation form per the base Alteration sphere trait.
Appears In : Ultimate Spheres of Power
Serpentine Transformation
You may grant the form of a serpent with your shapeshift.
Limbs: 1 head, 1 tail
Speech: No; Hands: No
Speed: 40 ft. land speed, 20 ft. climb speed
Natural weapons: bite (primary, 1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small)
AC: +2 natural armor bonus, +1 per 5 caster level
Special: Low-light vision, treated as a quadruped for the purpose of carrying capacity.
In addition, the target gains one of the following packages depending on which serpent is being mimicked:
Constrictor: The target gains the grab universal monster ability attached to its bite natural attack, as well the constrict special attack (1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small, + Strength modifier). The target gains the normal +4 bonus on checks made to start and maintain a grapple from the grab ability, but this bonus increases by 1 per 5 caster levels.
Poisonous: When the target makes a successful bite attack, it automatically attempt to poison its target (save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 Hit Dice + Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con damage; cure 1 save).
Serpentine Transformation offers the following traits, which you may apply to any form:
Death Roll: Whenever you maintain a grapple and choose to deal damage to the target with a natural attack, you may attempt a second grapple combat maneuver check as a free action. If successful, the grappled creature is knocked prone. This additional grapple check does not count as maintaining the grapple and does not add any other effects on a successful grapple (such as constrict). Serpentine Tail: The shapeshifted target gains a tail and a circumstance bonus on Acrobatics checks equal to +1 + 1 per 5 caster levels. In addition, the shapeshifted target may use this tail to perform trip combat maneuvers within their natural reach, gaining a bonus on trip combat maneuvers made this way equal to 1/2 the circumstance bonus granted to Acrobatics checks from this talent (minimum 1). If you gain the ability to use this tail with a tail slap natural attack, attacks made with this tail gain the trip universal monster ability. Special: When granting this trait, you may choose to have this tail replace the shapeshifted target’s legs. If you do, the shapeshifted target’s base land speed is reduced by 10 (to a minimum of 5 feet) and the target cannot be tripped. If the shapeshifted target gains legs through another ability or Alteration sphere trait, such as the Additional Limbs “a pair of legs” trait, the shapeshifted target loses any benefits or adjustments from replacing their legs with this tail.
Strangle: An opponent grappled by the target cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.
Swallow Whole: The target gains the swallow whole ability, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage + an additional 1d6 acid damage per 3 caster levels. The target may swallow creatures up to one size smaller than themselves. This trait may be taken twice; the second time allows the target to swallow creatures up to their own size and grants a bonus to CMB and CMD equal to 1 + 1 per 3 caster levels on grapple checks made to swallow creatures or to prevent them from escaping once swallowed. More than one creature may be swallowed at a time, but may not exceed the maximum total size that can be swallowed, counting two Tiny creatures as one Small creature, two Small creatures as one Medium creature, etc. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon, or it can just try to escape the grapple. The amount of cutting damage required to get free is equal to 1/10 the creature’s total hit points. This damage is inflicted on the swallowing creature as normal. The AC of the interior of a creature that swallows whole is 10 + 1/2 its natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity. If a swallowed creature cuts its way out, the swallowing creature cannot use swallow whole again until the damage is healed. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again. (You must possess a bite attack with the grab ability to gain this trait.)
Generally, Sirene will start each battle with 2 tension and an opening to generate more:
Swift: Shadow Shield for 9d4+9 temp HP.
Move: Shove for minimal damage (5), but +1 tension.
Dual Attack: Either the whips, two unarmed attacks, or a bite + unarmed attack. +1 tension if she connects.
If she's in her constrictor form, she may followup her bite attack with a free grapple attempt, and a constrict.
If she's attacked, she'll generally use her immediate action to get 30% concealment (Umbral Mantle). This will last the length of most fights. If she's still injured, she gains +1 tension.
Later in the battle, she'll use Fiery Offensive (dumping as many as 8 tension into it), to get a significant bonus to her unarmed attacks and damage.
For everything else, like her basic attacks, you should be able to use the macros in Fantasy Grounds.
Spell Primer:
Whenever Sirene casts a spell, there's a 10% chance that she'll trigger a wild magic effect. So if the d100 is 10 or less, roll again and use the result of that to look up the wild magic table for whatever sphere she's using. For example, if she's casting a cure spell of the life sphere, and she rolls a 7 on the first d100, then she'd roll again for say a 42 and reference the wild magic table at the bottom of the life sphere's page on the wiki.
Now for the confusing part. Flexing talents. Basically, the whole idea of Sirene's build is that she can cast spells that she doesn't normally know by temporarily gaining knowledge of certain spheres and talents. She can do this in a number of ways. The all-day access method is to shape one of the sphereshaper's veils, which grant access to a sphere. Most days she'll have Beastshaper's Cord (, for example, to improve her alteration (snake shapeshifting) spells. But she can also shape another veil from either of these two lists:
And when she does, she can select an additional bonus talent from that sphere. So for example, she could shape Shaded Spirit ( to gain access to the dark sphere and then take a talent like Shadowed Mien. You can ignore the bind effect for these veils (except for hands binds), and whenever it discusses essence, you can assume she has 2 invested. These benefits last all day, so it's good to pick up a sphere/talent this way that she'll need to use continuously throughout the day.