Saijo Primer+Standard Actions
Discipline: Radiant Dawn (Strike); Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
This strike was created by a kobold leader to fight both controlling magics and vicious wounds. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and you can heal yourself and allies within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels) for a total number of hit points equal to twice your initiation modifier, divided as you choose between you and your allies. Alternatively, you may choose to grant a single ally within close range a saving throw against an ongoing effect on them that offers multiple saving throws over time to negate, or has its duration measured in rounds at the effect’s original DC, at the effect’s original DC. If it succeeds, the effect ends. This does not progress poison, diseases, or similar effects on a failed saving throw.
Essence: Each point of essence invested into this strike increases the total amount of healing done by 4 hit points. This healing is split up between targets normally.
Discipline: Spark of Battle (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
The initiator’s rapid speed allows him to catch an opponent a second time with the backswing of their weapon. When the initiator successfully strikes an opponent with this maneuver, they may roll the weapon damage dice for the attack a second time and add it to the damage dealt by the attack, treating any roll of 1 on the damage dice as a 2.
Special: If the initiator has the Spark of Inspiration feat, they may spend an additional stamina point when activating this maneuver to deal double their Strength bonus on the attack instead of their standard Strength bonus.
Discipline: Scarlet Throne (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
With supreme focus, comes great insight into the workings of a foe’s defenses. When the moment is right, the disciple releases his attack in a vicious upward swing. The disciple makes a Sense Motive check in place of his normal attack roll (he may add any enhancement bonus from his weapon or feats that apply from the use of his weapon to this Sense Motive check as well), and if this Sense Motive check equals or exceeds the target’s armor class, the attack deals double damage. If this check does not meet or exceed the target’s armor class, then the attack fails and the disciple misses.
Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike) (Teleportation)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: Up to the disciple’s movement speed
Duration: Instantaneous
The disciple learns the basic technique at this level for walking between worlds to reach locations that previously could be inaccessible on the mortal world and potentially attack foes at those locales. As a standard action, the initiator may either teleport to a location no farther away than his maximum movement speed, and make an attack action against an opponent as part of the same standard action, or attack an adjacent target and then teleport to a location no farther away than his maximum movement speed. The teleportation destination must be clearly seen by the disciple to teleport to that location, and it must be unoccupied.
Criniere of Warding
Descriptors: Good
Class: Guru, Lunar, Radiant, Vizier
Slot: Headband, Neck
Saving Throw: None
Pearlescent armor girds your neck and temples, surrounding you in a potent protective ward.
Shaping this holy veil grants you a +1 sacred bonus to AC and on all saving throws against attacks or effects created by evil creatures.
Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, the sacred bonus to AC and saving throws against attacks or effects created by evil creatures increases by +1.
Chakra Bind (Headband): [G11, L10/12, R9, Vi12] Binding this veil to your Headband chakra grants you the ability to breathe life into a touched willing creature or recently slain ally a number of times per day equal to 1 + your veilweaving modifier. This ability cures 1d8+1 points of damage plus an additional 1d8+1 per point of essence invested. Unlike other effects that heal damage, this ability can bring recently slain creatures back to life. If used on a creature that has died within 1 round, apply the healing from this effect to the creature. If the healed creature's hit point total is at a negative amount less than its Constitution score, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total. If the creature's hit point total is at a negative amount equal to or greater than its Constitution score, the creature remains dead. Creatures brought back to life through this effect gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day. Creatures slain by death effects cannot be saved by this ability.
Chakra Bind (Neck): [G14, L14/L16, R12, Vi14] Binding this veil to your Neck chakra allows you to extend its effects out in a 20 ft. aura around yourself. Any friendly creature within the aura gains a sacred bonus to AC and saving throws against attacks or effects created by evil creatures equal to 1/2 the bonus you are receiving from the veil’s base effect (rounded down, minimum 1) (for example, a veilweaver with 4 points of essence invested in this veil would gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC and saves against attacks or effects created by evil creatures and all other friendly creatures within the aura would gain a +2 sacred bonus). In addition, any evil-aligned creature who attempts to enter the area of this aura must succeed at a Will saving throw or be rebuffed, unable to enter the affected area. Creatures may attempt a new saving throw to enter the affected area each round. Creatures who are unwillingly forced into the area, such as by the veilweaver willingly moving near to them, automatically succeed at this saving throw.
Heaven’s Blessing
Descriptors: Good
Class: Guru, Nexus, Radiant
Slot: Body
Saving Throw: Will; see text
Runes of white light spiral out from your navel to encase your entire body in celestial scripture.
When you shape this potent protective veil the forces of good are channeled through your life energy, reinforcing you and your allies while debilitating your enemies. You and any ally who can see you gain a +1 sacred bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and Charisma-based skill checks. Any enemy who can see you must succeed on a Will saving throw or take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and Wisdom-based skill checks for as long as they can see you and for 1 round thereafter.
Essence For each point of essence invested in this veil the bonus to yours and your allies weapon damage rolls and Charisma-based skill checks increases by +1, and the penalty to enemies weapon damage rolls and Wisdom-based skill checks is increased by an additional -1.
Chakra Bind (Body) [G20, N20, R18] Binding this veil to your Body chakra unleashes the full power of Heaven’s Blessing, allowing you to use holy word as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + your veilweaving modifier.
Descriptors: Compulsion, mind-affecting
Class: Fisherking
Slot: Voice
Saving Throw: Will; see text
An undertone of parental sternness laces your voice.
You can select a creature and make its actions against you more difficult as a standard action. You and your allies gain a + 1 morale bonus to AC and on all saving throws against attacks or effects from that creature. This bonus lasts as long as the selected creature can hear your voice or until you select a new creature.
Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, the morale bonus to saving throws against attacks or effects created by the selected creature increases by +1. For every 2 points of essence invested in this veil, the morale bonus to AC increases by +1.
Chakra Bind (Voice): [F9] Binding this veil to your Voice chakra gives greater weight to your prohibitions, making it more difficult for creatures to take actions that you forbid. As a standard action you can command a creature not to take a specific action, this functions as though casting forbid action with a caster level equal to your veilweaver level. If there are at least 4 points of essence invested in this veil it instead functions as greater forbid action.
Kingdom Effect: Once per year +1 additional time for every 5 veilweaver levels you possess your kingdom’s Marshal can eliminate a hazardous non-continuous event rolled as part of your kingdom’s event phase. Treat this as if the Political Calm event had been rolled instead.