Saijo Primer+Move Actions


As the vizier’s ability to control the flow of magical essence throughout his body and equipment grows, he gains the ability to shape a small number of veils instantly. At 3rd level, the vizier may use a move action which provokes attacks of opportunity once per day to unshape one of his existing veils and instantly reshape the released energy into a new veil. The veil that he shapes using this ability cannot be bound to a chakra until he has spent one hour in meditation, even if the veil replaced this way was already bound. The vizier can use this ability one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 3rd. Each time he gains an additional use of this ability, the number of veils that he can reshape with a single use of this ability increases by one (for example, at 11th level the vizier can reshape up to three veils each time he uses this ability).



Whenever the recordkeeper uses their veilshifting ability, they can choose to reduce the number of veils they reshape to instead change an equal number of their talents granted by their recorded talents class feature. The recordkeeper can gain new spheres using this ability. The recordkeeper can choose to lose a base sphere using this ability if they have no other talents in that sphere. If they lose a base sphere granting a bonus talent from a drawback, that talent is lost as well.

The recordkeeper can also use this ability to remove any or all of one of their sphere’s sphere specific drawbacks, but they lose any talents granted by lost drawbacks. This counts as swapping one talent. They cannot do so if a lost talent is being used as a prerequisite.

Talents lost using this ability are treated as if the recordkeeper had lost a temporary talent (any non-instantaneous effects created by that talent are lost, and any talent that grants a limited number of uses is not refreshed if it is regained using this ability).

This modifies the vizier’s veilshifting class feature.

By spending 1 spell point as a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can unshape one of your existing veils and instantly reshape the released energy into a new veil you know. The veil you shape using this ability cannot be bound to a chakra until you have spent one hour in meditation, even if the veil you unshaped was already bound.

Armlets of the Shaitan

Descriptors: Earth

Class: Stormbound, Vizier

Slot: Wrist, Shoulders

Saving Throw: None

Essence flows through your arms up to your shoulders, your limbs becoming the polished stone of a shaitan.

Shaping this veil causes your arms to take the form of stone and flowing sand, increasing your natural reach with your arms by 5 feet. This ability does not stack with other veils or spells that increase your natural reach, such as the long arm spell, but does stack with an increase in reach through size category increases, or feats such as Lunge.

Additionally, you gain a +1 insight bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and a +2 insight bonus on opposed Strength-based checks if both you and your foe are touching the ground. You take a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls against airborne or waterborne opponents.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil the insight bonus to opposed Strength-based checks increases by 1. Every 2 points of essence invested in this veil increases the natural reach of your arms by an additional 5 feet and the bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by 1.

Chakra Bind (Wrist): [St8, Vi8] Binding this veil to your Wrists chakra allows your arms to surge outwards in a whirlwind of sand and blades as a full-round action, allowing you to make one melee attack roll against each enemy within your reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each enemy.

Chakra Bind (Shoulders): [St10, Vi10] Binding this veil to your Shoulder chakra allows you to pass through earth and stone as if it were water. You gain a burrow speed of 10 feet, plus 5 feet per essence invested in this veil. You gain the earth glide universal monster ability, allowing you to pass through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except worked stone and metal as easily as a fish swims through water. If you are protected against fire damage, you can even glide through lava. Your burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of your presence.