Saijo Primer+Constant Effects+Veil

Coronet of the Theologian

Descriptors: None

Class: Guru, Promethean, Stormbound, Vizier, Volur

Slot: Head, Headband

Saving Throw: None

A simple crown of silver akasha rests upon your brow, expanding your mind to consider things it might once have not.

When shaped this veil expands your mind, allowing you to better grasp new concepts, and to unearth hidden meaning from what you already know. Shaping this veil grants you gain a +1 insight bonus to Intelligence-based skill checks and ability checks.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, the bonus it provides increases by +1.

Chakra Bind (Head): [G8, P6, St6, Vi6 Vo5] Binding this veil to your Head chakra allows you to gain sudden bursts of insight into otherwise hidden knowledge. As an immediate action, you can reroll a single Intelligence-based skill check or ability check, and take the higher of the two rolls. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + your veilweaving modifier (minimum 2).

Chakra Bind (Headband): [G11, P12, St12, Vi12 Vo11] Binding this veil to your Headband chakra expands your mind to such a degree that you can connect ideas and logic together in ways that seem unintuitive to most. Whenever you roll an Intelligence-based skill or ability check, you roll twice and take the higher result. You can use this additional ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + your veilweaving modifier (minimum 2). You must choose whether or not you are using this ability before the check is rolled.

Additionally as an immediate action, after you roll an Intelligence-based skill or ability check but before the results are revealed you may take a number of points of essence burn up to your veilweaving modifier (minimum 1) to increase the insight bonus provided by this veil by an amount equal to the number of points of essence burned.

Eye of the Oracle

Descriptors: none

Class: Helmsman, Promethean, Stormbound, Vizier

Slot: Headband

Saving Throw: none

This Veil manifests as a glowing third eye in the center of the user’s forehead.

While manifesting this veil, the veilweaver is infused with prophetic power; once per round as a free action that can be activated any time you could activate an immediate action you may apply a +1 insight bonus to an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check; alternatively you can apply this bonus to your AC or CMD vs. a single attack. In either case you may declare your use of this ability after the relevant roll has been made but before the result has been declared. Using this ability counts as one of your attacks of opportunity for the round.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, the insight bonus is increased by +1.

Chakra Bind (Headband): [H14, P12, St12, Vi12] Tying this veil to your Headband chakra creates a nexus of divination magic within your mind. A veilweaver who binds this veil acts as though under the constant effect of an analyze dweomer spell.

Armlets of the Shaitan

Descriptors: Earth

Class: Stormbound, Vizier

Slot: Wrist, Shoulders

Saving Throw: None

Essence flows through your arms up to your shoulders, your limbs becoming the polished stone of a shaitan.

Shaping this veil causes your arms to take the form of stone and flowing sand, increasing your natural reach with your arms by 5 feet. This ability does not stack with other veils or spells that increase your natural reach, such as the long arm spell, but does stack with an increase in reach through size category increases, or feats such as Lunge.

Additionally, you gain a +1 insight bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and a +2 insight bonus on opposed Strength-based checks if both you and your foe are touching the ground. You take a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls against airborne or waterborne opponents.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil the insight bonus to opposed Strength-based checks increases by 1. Every 2 points of essence invested in this veil increases the natural reach of your arms by an additional 5 feet and the bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by 1.

Chakra Bind (Wrist): [St8, Vi8] Binding this veil to your Wrists chakra allows your arms to surge outwards in a whirlwind of sand and blades as a full-round action, allowing you to make one melee attack roll against each enemy within your reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each enemy.

Chakra Bind (Shoulders): [St10, Vi10] Binding this veil to your Shoulder chakra allows you to pass through earth and stone as if it were water. You gain a burrow speed of 10 feet, plus 5 feet per essence invested in this veil. You gain the earth glide universal monster ability, allowing you to pass through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except worked stone and metal as easily as a fish swims through water. If you are protected against fire damage, you can even glide through lava. Your burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of your presence.

Armory of the Conqueror

Descriptors: none

Class: Daevic, Helmsman

Slot: Hands, Wrists

Saving Throw: none

A gleaming band of hardened akasha wraps around your weapons, thrumming with power.

When you invest essence in this veil, choose one manufactured weapon you are wielding, unarmed strikes, or a single natural weapon. As long as this veil is invested with essence, at the beginning of each turn you may select a different weapon.

Investing essence in this veil causes the selected weapon to grow in power as if you had increased in size, as detailed in the essence section below. Ranged weapons confer this property to their ammunition, and thrown weapons retain this size increase until after the attack made using the thrown weapon is resolved.

This effective increase in size does not stack with any other size increases, such as the enlarge person spell, the impact special property, the Encompassing Light talent, or the Size Change talent. If you or your weapon would be affected by such an ability while you are benefiting from the powers of this veil, use the higher of the size increases when determining your weapons damage dice.

Essence: A weapon affected by this veil is treated as though it is one size category larger than it actually is when 1 point of essence is invested. For every 2 points of essence invested beyond the first, this size bonus increases by an additional category.

Chakra Bind (Hands): [D4, He2] Binding this veil to your Hands chakra makes the weapon extremely difficult to pull from your grasp, granting you a +1 insight bonus to CMD vs. Disarm attempts per point of essence invested.

Chakra Bind (Wrists): [D7, He8] The veil wrapping your weapon protects it from harm. In addition to granting the same benefits as the Hands bind, your weapon’s hardness increases by 5 times the number of points of essence invested in this ability, and the weapon gains an insight bonus on all saves vs. any effects which target it (such as a rusting grasp spell) equal to the amount of essence invested.

Band of Fortune

Descriptors: none

Class: Vizier

Slot: Ring

Saving Throw: none

The leader of the halfling’s was gifted a ring to bring them a touch of luck.

Shaping this veil causes you to become inexplicably lucky. Whenever you roll a d20 or an enemy within 30 feet rolls a d20, after you see the results of the roll you can roll a second d20 as an immediate action. You can then choose which of the results of these d20’s is used for that roll. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your veilweaving modifier.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, you may modify the roll of your second d20 by plus or minus 1 (to a maximum of 20, and a minimum of 1). This adjustment is counted as the natural roll of the die, allowing it to be a critical success or critical failure.

Chakra Bind (Ring): [Vi9] Binding this veil to your Ring chakra causes the energy of fate to boon your lucky allies, and curse your unlucky foes. Whenever an ally within 30 feet of you rolls a natural 20 on any d20 roll, the powers of fate imbue them with luck for 1 minute, granting them a +2 luck bonus on all of their d20 rolls of the same type (ability checks, attack rolls, caster/manifestation/veilweaving checks, saving throws, skill checks) for the next minute.

Whenever an enemy within 30 feet of you rolls a 1 on any d20 roll, the powers of fate curse them with unluck for 1 minute, imposing a -2 penalty on all of their d20 rolls of the same type for the next minute.

The bonuses and penalties applied by this effect are increased by 1 per three essence invested in this veil.

Criniere of Warding

Descriptors: Good

Class: Guru, Lunar, Radiant, Vizier

Slot: Headband, Neck

Saving Throw: None

Pearlescent armor girds your neck and temples, surrounding you in a potent protective ward.

Shaping this holy veil grants you a +1 sacred bonus to AC and on all saving throws against attacks or effects created by evil creatures.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, the sacred bonus to AC and saving throws against attacks or effects created by evil creatures increases by +1.

Chakra Bind (Headband): [G11, L10/12, R9, Vi12] Binding this veil to your Headband chakra grants you the ability to breathe life into a touched willing creature or recently slain ally a number of times per day equal to 1 + your veilweaving modifier. This ability cures 1d8+1 points of damage plus an additional 1d8+1 per point of essence invested. Unlike other effects that heal damage, this ability can bring recently slain creatures back to life. If used on a creature that has died within 1 round, apply the healing from this effect to the creature. If the healed creature's hit point total is at a negative amount less than its Constitution score, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total. If the creature's hit point total is at a negative amount equal to or greater than its Constitution score, the creature remains dead. Creatures brought back to life through this effect gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day. Creatures slain by death effects cannot be saved by this ability.

Chakra Bind (Neck): [G14, L14/L16, R12, Vi14] Binding this veil to your Neck chakra allows you to extend its effects out in a 20 ft. aura around yourself. Any friendly creature within the aura gains a sacred bonus to AC and saving throws against attacks or effects created by evil creatures equal to 1/2 the bonus you are receiving from the veil’s base effect (rounded down, minimum 1) (for example, a veilweaver with 4 points of essence invested in this veil would gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC and saves against attacks or effects created by evil creatures and all other friendly creatures within the aura would gain a +2 sacred bonus). In addition, any evil-aligned creature who attempts to enter the area of this aura must succeed at a Will saving throw or be rebuffed, unable to enter the affected area. Creatures may attempt a new saving throw to enter the affected area each round. Creatures who are unwillingly forced into the area, such as by the veilweaver willingly moving near to them, automatically succeed at this saving throw.

Heaven’s Blessing

Descriptors: Good
Class: Guru, Nexus, Radiant
Slot: Body
Saving Throw: Will; see text

Runes of white light spiral out from your navel to encase your entire body in celestial scripture.

When you shape this potent protective veil the forces of good are channeled through your life energy, reinforcing you and your allies while debilitating your enemies. You and any ally who can see you gain a +1 sacred bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and Charisma-based skill checks. Any enemy who can see you must succeed on a Will saving throw or take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and Wisdom-based skill checks for as long as they can see you and for 1 round thereafter.

Essence For each point of essence invested in this veil the bonus to yours and your allies weapon damage rolls and Charisma-based skill checks increases by +1, and the penalty to enemies weapon damage rolls and Wisdom-based skill checks is increased by an additional -1.

Chakra Bind (Body) [G20, N20, R18] Binding this veil to your Body chakra unleashes the full power of Heaven’s Blessing, allowing you to use holy word as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + your veilweaving modifier.