Qenihyrs was created by Chaos from the Void in order to disrupt Order and challenge the Void's authority. Originally Qenihyrs loved Chaos like a father, however she fell in love with the Void soonafter, wrapping her arms around it. Displeased by this turn of events, Chaos plucked out one of her eyes. From the bloody eye was born her first child, Kasys god of The First Star.
To escape further abuse, she drove herself ever more inward into her misery, love, and the myseterious lands of the Void. Others say she escaped into the arms of a new lover, Enamzu. It can be hard to discern between the two.
Now Chaos is as clueless as anyone. Qenihyrs may control the Void itself. Or she may be lost forever.
When she eventually returns, she births Thysx God of Fray and Knot.
In the Nature Era: She usually takes the form of a golden Uraeus. With her sister Daaxt, she creates the first snakes, eels, worm, and flying worms.
Qenihyrs calls the underworld and the void her home, often seen with the dead and The Amysis.
RP: Qenihyrs is a dark character. Abused at an early age, they have chosen to hide from their life in a relationship that offers an endless loss of self, like a drug. She is capable of great love and lust, and so is capable of also great heartbreak and distrust. It is unlikely you will get to speak to Qenihyris of the Void at all. She is in the only place where gods can no longer go. However, her love with the Void is such that the gods may try to speak to the Void directly, and she may communicate through it. She holds immense anger, but tries to experience only a distanced floating absence from her and her negativity. In her lows, she is to be avoided. In her highs, one might hope to have a light conversation with her that ends with her being tired and needing to go.
Visual: Qenihyris is often hard to see. She is submerged almost entirely in the Void, which is a place sealed away from this universe entirely. It looks like a wormhole, or pure darkness/light, or simply an immense blind spot with an even larger absence of sound around it. She is a gate between this world and the Void, and only she can open it. Her arms spread across the entirety of the void as far as we can see.
She has the head of a lion and only one eye. The other eye is gone, a bloody socket that emits light, like a sun. She wears a crown. Her body is that of a human woman, but she was born from the void, and its substance seems to be unstable, especially now with most of herself already submerged in the void. So it is like seeing someone's body dissolve into dust. The clearest vision is of her face. She often looks lost, pensive, floaty, high, and depressed.
- Goddess of Friendship/kindness/love/partnership/broken frienship/heartbrake/mourning
- In love with the chaos/void
- The mother of Kasys & Thysx
- The arms around the Void
- sometimes an Uraeus