Marie Primer+Free Or Non Actions+Sequences+Purple
The chromamancer uses her mystic adaptation ability, as long as it requires at least a standard or move action.
The chromamancer successfully activates a magic item or dismisses a spell using at least a standard action. Alternatively, the chromamancer uses a sphere ability that grants her temporary spell points, as long as the sphere ability uses at least a standard action.
The chromamancer successfully feints a creature or uses an ability that causes a creature to lose their Dexterity modifier to their AC, as long as the ability requires at least a move action to use.
Whenever the chromamancer is granted a saving throw against a non-harmless effect originating from a hostile creature (and she was not already subject to the effect), she can choose to willingly fail the saving throw as a free action that can be taken outside of her turn once per round to complete this (link). The hostile creature must have a CR of at least half your character level (rounded down, minimum 1/2).
The chromamancer gains spell resistance equal to 10 + twice the length of her sequence.