King Ars Primer+Standard Actions+Psionic_Powers+Veil Restoration

Discipline Clairsentience; Level All 1

Manifesting Time 1 standard action

Display Auditory, Visual

Manifesting Time 1 standard action

Range Touch

Target One creature

Duration Instantaneous

Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Power Resistance No

Power Points 1


Your touch restores one of the creature’s suppressed veils, immediately causing it to reform around them. Choose one of the creature’s veils that have been suppressed for a set duration. That veil is immediately restored, as if the duration of the suppression had ended. If other abilities are tied to that veil being suppressed (such as the psiweaver’s psiweaving ability) those abilities are resolved as normal for the veil’s suppression ending.

Augment For every 2 additional power points you spend, you may choose and restore an additional veil with this power.