King Ars Primer+Standard Actions+Psionic_Powers+Essence Infusion
Discipline Psychometabolism; Level All 1
Display Olfactory, Visual
Manifesting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target One creature
Duration 1 minute
Saving Throw None; Power Resistance No
Power Points 1
Your touch infuses a creature with essence. Choose one of the creature’s essence receptacles; it is invested with 1 temporary point of essence. The chosen essence receptactle’s essence capacity increases by 1.
Augment This power can be augmented in the following ways:
- For every 2 additional power points you spend, increase the duration of this power by 1 minute
- For every 2 additional power points you spend, increase the temporary essence by 1. This does not further increase the receptacle’s essence capacity.