Royal Attendants (Su)
At 1st level, as a free action, the fisherking can surround themself with a number of spectral servants up to their veilweaving modifier. These servants function as if they were created by the unseen servant spell, except as follows. The range of this effect is equal to the current radius of your blessed land ability. The servants created by this ability cannot take the aid another action. They are visible though translucent, taking on the form of generic members of the fisherking’s race and are dressed in livery the color and markings of which are selected when the fisherking shapes their veils for the day. The fisherking’s royal attendants can cast prestidigitation as an at-will spell-like ability. The fisherking can direct their royal attendants to use any spell-like ability they possess as a free action. Royal attendants always use the fisherking’s class level as their caster level and determine their saving throw DCs and their bonus on concentration checks using the fisherking’s veilweaving modifier. Daily uses of spell- like abilities are shared across all royal attendants, even if they are all dismissed and re-summoned. Attendants created by this ability can be dismissed as a free action.
This ability can be invested with essence, for each point of essence invested in this ability the number of attendants increases by 1 and the Strength score of all created attendants increases by 2.
Starting at 3rd level, in place of a feat or a hex the fisherking can select one of the following abilities to augment their royal attendants:
- Cup Bearers: Your royal attendants gain the ability to cast create water and enhance water at will as spell- like abilities, and can cast tears to wine three times per day as a spell-like ability.
- Grooms: Your royal attendants gain the ability to cast mount three times per day as a spell-like ability and can perform the aid another action for Ride skill checks. Additionally, while you are mounted, your royal attendants increase their speed to match that of your current mount and gain any types of special movement it possesses.
- King’s Mouthpiece: Your royal attendants gain the ability to speak, delivering messages to you and repeating any words that you have instructed them to say, though they can’t activate magical effects in this way. They gain the ability to cast message at will as a spell-like ability. You always hear any replies made as a part of this spell-like ability. Your royal attendants also gain the ability to cast mindlink three times per day as a spell-like ability, delivering any information you wish to share.
- Lamplighters: Your royal attendants gain the ability to cast dancing lights at will as a spell-like ability, as well as campfire wall three times per day as a spell-like ability.
- Valets: Your royal attendants gain the ability to cast mending and fabricate disguise (treating you as the target) at will as a spell-like abilities. An outfit or disguise provided by your servants always counts as a courtier’s outfit for the purposes of influencing nobles or courtiers, and grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks against such creatures. Starting at 11th level, your royal attendants gain the ability to cast heroes’ feast once per day as a spell-like ability.