A rajah has no need to personally attend to mundane matters. At 2nd level, as a free action, the rajah can surround herself with a number of nearly-intangible servants equal to her rajah initiation modifier. These servants function as if they were created by the unseen servant spell, except that they have an effective Strength score equal to 4 + the rajah’s initiation modifier and they cannot take the aid another action. A servant who strays farther than close range (25 feet + 5 feet per two rajah levels) winks out, but can be recreated as a free action; these servants otherwise last indefinitely so long as they remain within that range and within the rajah’s line of effect. The rajah can also dismiss her servants as a free action.
Unlike normal unseen servants, a rajah’s servants have a unique appearance determined by the rajah, and can talk (although being mindless, they only say what they’re told to say). They remember orders and their appearances, even if dismissed and resummoned at a later time. The details vary from rajah to rajah, but the servants are always partially transparent and obviously not creatures. These unseen servants can cast prestidigitation an unlimited number of times per day as a spell-like ability, when directed to do so by the rajah. A rajah can also make her servants invisible (or return them to visibility) as a free action. Veils cannot be shaped onto unseen servants. Finally, unseen servants created through this class feature gain any additional movement modes that the rajah may have (such as a fly speed or swim speed) at the same speed as the rajah.
Should the rajah lose or acquire new movement modes, her unseen servants lose or gain these movement modes respectively.