King Ars Primer
Must rest 8 hours to recover spell points and power points. Reshaping veils requires an additional hour of meditation. An additional one-hour ritual is required to imbue allies and satisfy the Oath of Ritual.
Starting at 2nd level, a sovereign gains a bonus on Intimidate checks equal to 1/2 his class level. When the sovereign successfully uses Intimidate to influence the attitude of a creature in his collective, that creature will remain friendly towards the highlord for as long as they remain in the collective, and can be influenced to take actions that may endanger them.
+2 morale bonus on saves vs. compulsion or paralysis for allies within 15 feet.
+4 sacred bonus on saves vs. compulsion
Sustaining Virtue (Ex)
At 4th level, the trinity angel does not require food or water to survive in angelic form.
The highlord can choose to remove a member as a free action on his turn, and any member can voluntarily leave the collective as a free action on their turn. Any member whose Wisdom drops to zero or who moves out of range of the collective is automatically removed. If a member enters a null psionics field, the connection to the collective is suppressed until the member leaves the field. A member who leaves the collective for any reason immediately loses any and all benefits they may have gained from being a member. A highlord is aware of the status of his collective and can, roughly, sense the presence of each member, although beyond telling if such a creature is still a member, this has no mechanical benefit until higher levels (see telepathy below).
Lifeblood Scourge (Su): A sovereign’s lifeblood resonance empowers his own attacks against those under his rule. The first time in each round the sovereign hits a creature in his collective with a weapon attack from within 30 feet of his target, that creature takes his lifeblood resonance damage in addition to the attack. At 8th level, the sovereign can apply this extra damage to up to two attacks each round. At 15th level, the sovereign can apply this damage to up to three attacks each round.
Conscripting Strike (Su): By engaging his enemies in direct combat, the sovereign can overwhelm the minds of his foes with the force of his personality and force them into his collective. When the sovereign makes a weapon attack from within 30 feet of his target, he can choose to add his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) to his attack roll. If he does so, he strikes the target’s mind, dealing damage equal to his lifeblood resonance damage with no additional bonuses (instead of his weapon’s damage), and attempts to force them into his collective.
A rajah has no need to personally attend to mundane matters. At 2nd level, as a free action, the rajah can surround herself with a number of nearly-intangible servants equal to her rajah initiation modifier. These servants function as if they were created by the unseen servant spell, except that they have an effective Strength score equal to 4 + the rajah’s initiation modifier and they cannot take the aid another action. A servant who strays farther than close range (25 feet + 5 feet per two rajah levels) winks out, but can be recreated as a free action; these servants otherwise last indefinitely so long as they remain within that range and within the rajah’s line of effect. The rajah can also dismiss her servants as a free action.
Unlike normal unseen servants, a rajah’s servants have a unique appearance determined by the rajah, and can talk (although being mindless, they only say what they’re told to say). They remember orders and their appearances, even if dismissed and resummoned at a later time. The details vary from rajah to rajah, but the servants are always partially transparent and obviously not creatures. These unseen servants can cast prestidigitation an unlimited number of times per day as a spell-like ability, when directed to do so by the rajah. A rajah can also make her servants invisible (or return them to visibility) as a free action. Veils cannot be shaped onto unseen servants. Finally, unseen servants created through this class feature gain any additional movement modes that the rajah may have (such as a fly speed or swim speed) at the same speed as the rajah.
Should the rajah lose or acquire new movement modes, her unseen servants lose or gain these movement modes respectively.
Sun’s Gleam (Su): A Radiant Dawn disciple can choose to fire a ray of light as a ranged touch attack at a target within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels) in place of making a ranged weapon attack as part of initiating a strike from a maneuver the initiator could invest essence into. This does not require a free hand. The initiator can choose to use their Strength modifier in place of their Dexterity modifier when firing a ray in this fashion. The ray of light deals force damage equal to 1d6 plus the initiator’s initiation modifier on a hit, plus any effects of the strike (such as additional damage or conditions). The disciple may choose to deal nonlethal damage with this attack at no penalty. As Sun’s Gleam can only be used as substitutes for attacks granted by maneuvers, an initiator cannot channel uses of it through weapons with the conductive weapon special property, or similar abilities.
Royal Attendants (Su)
At 1st level, as a free action, the fisherking can surround themself with a number of spectral servants up to their veilweaving modifier. These servants function as if they were created by the unseen servant spell, except as follows. The range of this effect is equal to the current radius of your blessed land ability. The servants created by this ability cannot take the aid another action. They are visible though translucent, taking on the form of generic members of the fisherking’s race and are dressed in livery the color and markings of which are selected when the fisherking shapes their veils for the day. The fisherking’s royal attendants can cast prestidigitation as an at-will spell-like ability. The fisherking can direct their royal attendants to use any spell-like ability they possess as a free action. Royal attendants always use the fisherking’s class level as their caster level and determine their saving throw DCs and their bonus on concentration checks using the fisherking’s veilweaving modifier. Daily uses of spell- like abilities are shared across all royal attendants, even if they are all dismissed and re-summoned. Attendants created by this ability can be dismissed as a free action.
This ability can be invested with essence, for each point of essence invested in this ability the number of attendants increases by 1 and the Strength score of all created attendants increases by 2.
Starting at 3rd level, in place of a feat or a hex the fisherking can select one of the following abilities to augment their royal attendants:
- Cup Bearers: Your royal attendants gain the ability to cast create water and enhance water at will as spell- like abilities, and can cast tears to wine three times per day as a spell-like ability.
- Grooms: Your royal attendants gain the ability to cast mount three times per day as a spell-like ability and can perform the aid another action for Ride skill checks. Additionally, while you are mounted, your royal attendants increase their speed to match that of your current mount and gain any types of special movement it possesses.
- King’s Mouthpiece: Your royal attendants gain the ability to speak, delivering messages to you and repeating any words that you have instructed them to say, though they can’t activate magical effects in this way. They gain the ability to cast message at will as a spell-like ability. You always hear any replies made as a part of this spell-like ability. Your royal attendants also gain the ability to cast mindlink three times per day as a spell-like ability, delivering any information you wish to share.
- Lamplighters: Your royal attendants gain the ability to cast dancing lights at will as a spell-like ability, as well as campfire wall three times per day as a spell-like ability.
- Valets: Your royal attendants gain the ability to cast mending and fabricate disguise (treating you as the target) at will as a spell-like abilities. An outfit or disguise provided by your servants always counts as a courtier’s outfit for the purposes of influencing nobles or courtiers, and grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks against such creatures. Starting at 11th level, your royal attendants gain the ability to cast heroes’ feast once per day as a spell-like ability.
If you are using a shield and you are attacked by a creature you are aware of while not flat-footed, you may spend an attack of opportunity to increase your shield bonus to AC against that attack by +2. This decision must be made before the roll is made. For every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess, the increase to your shield bonus provided by this talent increases by 1. Talents with the (deflect) tag grant additional effects to this ability. Each use of active defense may only benefit from one (deflect) talent. You may expend your martial focus to use active defense in place of spending an attack of opportunity.
Damage Distribution: The highlord can activate this decree as an immediate action when a member of the collective takes hit point damage. When he does so, each member of his collective can make a Will save to avoid having damage distributed to them (either by the initial effect or its later duration). The highlord then transfers up to half of the damage that would have been dealt to that member of the collective to other members of his collective, distributed however he wishes. After activating this decree, it continues to last for a number of rounds equal to the highlord’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round). Whenever the chosen member of the collective is damaged during this duration, he can distribute half of it as an immediate action, just like the initial activation.
When an opponent makes a melee attack against an ally with this feat who is no farther away from you than half your land speed, as an immediate action you can move up to half your speed directly towards the ally. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity. As long as you end this movement adjacent to the targeted ally, you may take the attack in their place. The attack is resolved as though you were the original target of the attack, comparing the attack roll to your defenses and dealing damage as appropriate. You may invest essence into this feat, increasing your land speed by 5 feet per point of essence invested.
You gain 1 point of essence.
A (succor) talent allows you to create an effect by sacrificing an aegis you created. This is an immediate action that can be performed using any aegis you created that you have line of effect to. The resulting effect occurs to the creature that bore the aegis. These talents require line of sight, but otherwise have unlimited range.
School evocation [acid, cold, electricity, or fire]; Level alchemist 3, bloodrager 3, sorcerer/wizard 3; Subdomain dragon 3; Elemental School air 3, earth 3, fire 3, water 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a scale from dragon that produces the energy you seek to absorb)
Range touch
Targets creature touched
Duration 10 minutes/level or until discharged; see text
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Draconic reservoir functions as protection from energy, absorbing 6 points of one type of energy damage per caster level (acid, cold, electricity, or fire, maximum 60 points). Each round, as a swift action, the subject can release 1d6 points of the absorbed energy and apply it to any melee attack, as if using an acidic, flaming, frost, or shock weapon. The first creature the subject strikes with this attack takes the energy damage in addition to any other consequences of the attack.
Releasing energy in this way does not “free up” space to absorb still more energy; the maximum amount of energy the spell can absorb remains fixed. The subject cannot release more energy than he currently has absorbed. Once the subject has absorbed all the energy allowed by the spell, he takes damage as normal from that energy type. Once the energy has been released, the spell is discharged.
Draconic reservoir does not stack with protection from energy.
Draconic reservoir overlaps (and does not stack with) resist energy. If a character is warded by draconic reservoir and resist energy, draconic reservoir absorbs damage until it reaches its maximum limit.
Mythic Draconic Reservoir
The amount of energy damage the spell absorbs increases to 10 points per caster level (maximum 100 points). The energy damage from the weapons improves as if using a corrosive burst, flaming burst, icy burst, or shocking burst weapon.
Augmented (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic power, spending a swift action applies the energy damage to any number of creatures the target hits this round, not just the first.
Discipline psychoportation; Level highlord (sovereign) 1
Display mental, visual
Manifesting Time 1 swift action
Range personal (see text)
Target you (see text)
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Thow none; Power Resistance no
Power Points 1
You must be a highlord following the tenets of dominance to manifest this power. You cannot learn this power with the Expanded Knowledge feat or similar abilities.
You expand your presence, using the minds of your collective as psychoportive beacons. Even if you’re standing in plain view, you seem to be everywhere and nowhere, appearing in the corner of a creature’s vision, laying a reassuring hand on an ally’s shoulder, pushing a blade through a foe’s chest, or even all of these at once.
While under the effect of this power, you threaten all spaces within 5 feet of you, and can make attacks of opportunity against targets within this area with any weapon you are wielding, even if it isn’t a melee weapon or can’t reach that space. In addition, you can treat yourself as being within any of those spaces for the purposes of your vision, and for determining line of effect to targets of your psionic powers and highlord class features. During your turn, you can also treat yourself as within each of those spaces for the purposes of making attacks (including drawing line of sight and effect, and determining threatened area).
If a creature within your collective occupies a space in this power’s area, this power’s area expands to all spaces adjacent to that creature. This effect can chain through multiple collective members, allowing the power’s area it continue to change as your collective repositions.
Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more of the following ways.
- For every additional power point you spend, attacks against you suffer a 5% miss chance. This effect is cumulative with multiple power points spent, up to a maximum miss chance of 50%.
- For every additional power point you spend, you can make 1 additional attack of opportunity in each round during the duration of this power.
- For every 4 additional power points you spend, the distance this power reaches from you (and any collective members in the area) increases by 5 feet.
- If you spend 6 additional power points, you gain the ability to switch positions with members of your collective within the power’s area; doing so is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
- If you spend 8 additional power points, you can choose a single collective member to center this power’s effect on, instead of yourself. You do not create the power’s effect around yourself if you do so, but you can still act through the area of the power as normal. If you manifest the power in this way, you take half the damage the chosen collective member does. This damage cannot be reduced or nullified in any way.
Tactical Upload: As a swift action, the highlord can quickly distribute his knowledge of tactics directly to chosen members of his collective. Each chosen member of the collective temporarily gains a teamwork feat known by the highlord, even if they don’t qualify for them normally. At 5th level and every 4 class levels thereafter, the highlord can share an additional teamwork feat that he knows with each chosen member of the collective. This decree lasts for a number of rounds equal to the highlord’s Charisma modifier. When the decree ends, the highlord's teamwork feats cease being shared. The highlord must know at least one teamwork feat in order to choose this decree.
Blessed Land (Su)
The fisherking’s nature is such that they can bind people and places together to form kingdoms, and that which a fisherking has bound together reflects their soul. As a swift action the fisherking can activate a 30-foot radius aura centered on themself that causes the world around them to reflect their inner nature. This effect ends if the fisherking is knocked unconscious or if they choose to end it as a swift action. When shaping their veils for the day, the fisherking can select one of the following effects for this ability. Creatures within this area, other than the fisherking, gain bonuses or take penalties depending on the effect selected, as indicated below:
- My People Will Flourish: The world around the fisherking seems bright and full of hope. Allies within the fisherking’s aura gain a +1 luck bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saving throws, selected by the fisherking when shaping veils for the day. In addition, allies within the area gain a +5 feet enhancement bonus to their base land speed. Increases to land speed last until the end of a creature’s turn if it leaves the radius of this effect. At 5th and 13th levels, the bonus to saving throws increases by an additional +1, and the bonus to land speed increases by +5 feet.
- My Enemies Will Suffer: The territory is a place of bleak desolation and clinging shadows. Enemy creatures within the fisherking’s aura take a –1 penalty to their Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saving throws, selected by the fisherking when shaping veils for the day. Additionally, enemies take a –2 penalty on Acrobatics and Fly checks and this penalty is doubled against attempts by enemies to move through threatened squares. At 5th and 13th levels, the penalty to saving throws and skill checks increases by an additional –1.
This ability may be invested with essence, increasing the radius by 5 feet for each point of essence invested. For every two points of essence invested in this ability any bonuses or penalties to d20 rolls caused by this ability are increased by 1.
At 9th level the fisherking’s aura increases to a 60-foot radius. In addition, when the fisherking uses a hex with a range other than “touch” they can treat the range as being equal to the radius of this aura.
At 17th level the fisherking’s aura increases to a 90-foot radius.
As a swift action, you can spend any number of spell points to gain half that many points of temporary essence (rounded down, minimum 0). You may only ever have a total amount of temporary essence using this ability at any time equal to your caster level with this sphere. These points of temporary essence persist until you rest to recover your spell points.
Additionally, as a swift action, you can choose to burn any number of points of temporary essence granted by this ability to gain a number of temporary spell points equal to the amount of temporary essence burned. These temporary spell points last for 1 minute.
Royal Prerogative (Ex): Once per day, the fisherking can use a move action, which provokes attacks of opportunity, to unshape one of their existing veils and instantly reshape the released energy into a new veil. This ability counts as the vizier’s veilshifting ability for the purpose of filling prerequisites. This hex can be selected more than once, each time it is selected the number of uses and the number of veils that can be reshaped by a single use increases by 1.
A highlord learns to use psionic power to connect willing minds through an internal network that strengthens their psychic bonds. As a standard action, a highlord can join any number of willing targets into his collective (up to his limit, see below). The highlord must have line of sight to each target, each target must have a Wisdom score of at least 1, and all targets must be within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per class level). The collective can contain up to his Charisma modifier or half his highlord level, whichever is higher. The highlord is always considered a member of his own collective, and does not count against this limit.
You may attempt to force a living creature into your collective as a standard action. The target may attempt a Will save (DC 10 + half manifester level + Wisdom modifier) to resist. If the target fails the save, it may attempt another Will save at the same DC every 24 hours thereafter, but is otherwise unable to leave the collective unless you allow it.
If you expend your psionic focus using this feat, the action required to attempt to force a living creature into your collective is instead a move action.
Normal: Only willing creatures may be added to a collective. Creatures may leave the collective as a free action.
Special: Creatures forced into your collective using Unwilling Participant are considered willing members for any collective-related effects unless they succeed on another Will save at the same DC to resist being forced into the collective. A successful save means the creature resisted the specific effect but is still a member of the collective.
Discipline psychometabolism
Level cryptic 0 (see note), dread 0, psion/wilder 0, psychic warrior 0, vitalist 0
Display Material, olfactory
Manifesting Time 1 standard action
Range Personal
Target You
Duration 1 min./level
Power Points Psionic focus or 1
You suffuse yourself with power, gaining 1 temporary hit point. This temporary hit point overlaps (does not stack) with temporary hit points from any source, including previous manifestations of this power.
Discipline: Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]; Level: Cryptic 0, dread 0, gambler 0, gifted blade 1, highlord 0, marksman 0, psion/wilder 0, psychic warrior 0, tactician 0, voyager 0
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One willing creature
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: Psionic focus or 1
You protect the subject’s thoughts from analysis. While the duration lasts, the subject gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks against those attempting to discern its true intentions with Sense Motive. It also gains a +4 bonus on its saving throw against any power or spell used to read its mind (such as read thoughts or mind probe).
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Gifted blade 1, highlord 1, psychic warrior 1
Display: Olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Power Points: 1
This power causes instant growth, doubling your height, length, and width and multiplying your weight by 8. This increase changes your size category to the next larger one. You gain a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), a –1 size penalty on attack rolls and AC due to your increased size.
If your new size is Large or larger, you have a space of at least 10 feet and a natural reach of at least 10 feet. This power does not change your speed.
If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, you attain the maximum possible size and can make a Strength check (using your increased Strength score) to burst any enclosures in the process. If you fail, you are constrained without harm by the materials enclosing you— you cannot crush yourself to death by increasing your size.
All your equipment, worn or carried, is similarly expanded by this power. Melee and projectile weapons deal more damage.
Other psionic or magical properties are not affected by this power. Any affected item that leaves your possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their normal damage (projectiles deal damage based on the size of the weapon that fired them). Multiple effects that increase size do not stack, which means (among other things) that you can’t use a second manifestation of this power to further expand yourself.
Augment: You can augment this power in one or more of the following ways.
- If you spend 6 additional power points, this power increases your size by two size categories instead of one. You gain a +4 size bonus to Strength, a –4 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum effective Dexterity score of 1), a –2 size penalty on attack rolls, and a –2 size penalty to Armor Class due to your increased size.
- If you spend 6 additional power points, you can manifest this power as a swift action instead of a standard action.
- If you spend 2 additional power points, this power’s duration is 10 minutes per level rather than 1 minute per level.
Mythic Karak’s Expansion
Your size increases by an additional category. The benefits and penalties associated with your increased size category, as well as the increase of the natural reach, are also appropriately adjusted. This stacks with the 6 power point augment of the non-mythic version of this power.
Discipline Clairsentience; Level All 1
Manifesting Time 1 standard action
Display Auditory, Visual
Manifesting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target One creature
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Power Resistance No
Power Points 1
Your touch restores one of the creature’s suppressed veils, immediately causing it to reform around them. Choose one of the creature’s veils that have been suppressed for a set duration. That veil is immediately restored, as if the duration of the suppression had ended. If other abilities are tied to that veil being suppressed (such as the psiweaver’s psiweaving ability) those abilities are resolved as normal for the veil’s suppression ending.
Augment For every 2 additional power points you spend, you may choose and restore an additional veil with this power.
Discipline Psychometabolism; Level All 1
Display Olfactory, Visual
Manifesting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target One creature
Duration 1 minute
Saving Throw None; Power Resistance No
Power Points 1
Your touch infuses a creature with essence. Choose one of the creature’s essence receptacles; it is invested with 1 temporary point of essence. The chosen essence receptactle’s essence capacity increases by 1.
Augment This power can be augmented in the following ways:
- For every 2 additional power points you spend, increase the duration of this power by 1 minute
- For every 2 additional power points you spend, increase the temporary essence by 1. This does not further increase the receptacle’s essence capacity.
Royal Mandate (Su)
With a word, the rajah spurs on her allies, creating an opportunity to recover her strength. As a standard action, a rajah can issue a command to one of her allies within close range (25 feet plus 5 feet per two rajah levels) that can perceive her. When she does so, she chooses one of the following orders to issue, and the affected ally may obey the command as a free action (even if it isn’t their turn).
Attack: The affected ally makes a melee or ranged attack at their highest attack bonus.
Bolster: The affected ally gains a morale bonus equal to the rajah’s initiation modifier to their AC or on a saving throw of the rajah’s choice (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will) for one round. If they are suffering from an ongoing effect that allows for a saving throw, they may instead make a save against that effect with a morale bonus to that save equal to the rajah’s initiation modifier. A successful saving throw ends or reduces this ongoing effect as if they had passed the original saving throw.
Move: The affected ally moves up to their speed, provoking attacks of opportunity as normal.
In addition, when the rajah uses this ability, she may reallocate her essence, and may swap any single readied maneuver with another maneuver that she knows. A maneuver swapped this way is readied and unexpended.
At 3rd level, the enthraller gains Mass Charm as a bonus talent. When using a language-dependent charm with this talent, the enthraller chooses a single one of their known languages. Each affected creature must be able to hear and understand the chosen language to be affected by the charm.
As a standard action, the enthraller can maintain any number of charms they applied with the language-dependent descriptor that require concentration. When doing so, they choose a single language. Each creature affected by a charm maintained in this way must be in range of the enthraller’s charms and must hear and understand the chosen language for the enthraller to maintain the effect.
This replaces the fisherking’s peerless hex class feature.
As a standard action, you may touch a creature and spend a spell point, granting them an aegis for 1 hour per caster level. Unwilling targets are allowed a Will save to resist gaining an aegis, and aegis is subject to spell resistance.
Multiple aegises of the same talent can be placed on a single creature, and the creature can benefit from them when they are providing different effects. This means Armored Magic can give a target both armor and shield, and Energy Resistance can grant resistance to multiple energy types to the same target.
Armored Magic (aegis)
You may create an aegis that wraps the target in protective barriers, granting them either a +3 armor bonus or a +1 shield bonus to AC (your choice). This does not stack with other armor or shield bonuses, but does apply against attacks made by incorporeal creatures. These bonuses increase by +1 for every 5 caster levels you possess.
As a standard action, you may create a ward centered on yourself with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per caster level, but can also be made so small as to only cover yourself. Wards remain as long as you concentrate, but you may spend a spell point to allow them to remain for 1 round per caster level without concentration. Wards remain in the location they were created, even if you move (however, if the ward is created entirely on top of a vehicle, it will move with that vehicle). If a ward affects targets inside it, its effects are subject to spell resistance.
When you gain the Protection sphere, you gain the following ward:
You may create a ward that creates a mostly-transparent wall of force at its perimeter. While this barrier does not block line of sight, it does block line of effect; thus, while you could still target a creature through the barrier (such as for an attack that attempts to break the barrier and still deal damage to the creature on the other side), the barrier does stop attacks, movement, breath weapons, and any spells or sphere effects that rely on line of effect until the barrier is destroyed. Ethereal creatures are technically stopped by the barrier, but can usually find a way around it (as the barrier does not cut through objects, and so usually stops at ground level). Creatures inside a space where a barrier is created are shunted to the nearest empty space on the outside.
A barrier has hit points equal to twice your caster level and a Break DC of 15 + 1/2 your caster level. A barrier can hold weight, up to 2,400 lbs. + 250 lbs. per caster level; beyond that, a barrier simply shatters as if broken with a Strength check. If a barrier is broken anywhere, the entire effect ends.
If an attack is directed at a target through the barrier, the attack first deals its damage to the barrier itself. If this damage is enough to destroy the barrier, the attack continues on to its intended target, although damage dealt to the barrier is subtracted from any damage done to the target or targets. Burst-effect attacks such as splash weapons, fireball spells, or others attempting to travel through the barrier explode at the barrier’s edge and also must overcome the barrier’s hit points to damage targets on the other side. If you maintain your barrier through concentration, its hit points are renewed each round on your turn.
House rule: no swift actions when taking full-round actions
At 2nd level, a trinity knight learns to cast spells, activate supernatural abilities, veil powers, or manifest powers and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a ability that is being used. To use this ability, the trinity knight must have one hand free, while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, they can make a single attack with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also activate a power, spell, veil, or supernatural ability with an activation time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this power also takes this penalty). If they activate defensively, they can decide to take an additional penalty on their attack rolls, up to their caster or power modifier bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the power and its power points are wasted, but the melee attack still takes the penalty. A trinity knight can choose the order of attacks and activations.
Discipline: Psychometabolism (Healing); Level: Cryptic 2, gifted blade 2, highlord 2, marksman 2, psion/wilder 3, psychic warrior 2, vitalist 2
Display: Auditory and material
Manifesting Time: 1 round
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Power Points: Cryptic 3, gifted blade 3, marksman 3, highlord 3, psion/wilder 5, psychic warrior 3, vitalist 3
You restore up to 2 points of damage to a single ability score. You cannot use body purification to heal ability drain.
Augment: For every additional power point you spend, this power heals 1 additional point of damage to the same ability score.
Mythic Body Purification
The power cures all ability damage to a single attribute.
Augmented (3rd): If you expend one use of mythic power, the power cures all ability damage to all attributes.