Game Deck+*type+by name
Grovaido Doriar - The Mangrove Deck
Heapster Gangster
Heapster Hideout at the Old Mint Deck
Hermoso de Merrico - Hermos, The Foreman Deck
Hunt of the Nian Deck
Jean-Pierre Renard - The Top of the Heapsters Deck
Jim - Burglar Burgling Burglar Costumes
Kaloruža Doriar - Rose, The Black Rose Deck
Kovachi Buzno - The Geargrinder Deck
Leeroi de ces Manijenkins - Shenanigan, The King of Trouble Deck
Low-Down in the Heap Deck
Mirror Maze of the Vanity Deck
Nameless Horror
Nián Shòu - The Incarnation of the New Year Deck
Noiré Vélin - The Denizens of Trouble Deck
Okoto ye Majyo - The Sorceress Siren Deck
Pajek Flașnetar - The Wheeler Dealer Deck
Pledge Deck
Prestige Deck
Ravenoir Tribe Deck