All structure rules that apply to
cards of a given type
{{+*from | labeled | link}} {{+*to | labeled | link}} {{+*cc | labeled | link}} {{+*bcc | labeled | link}} {{+*subject | titled}} {{+*html message | titled}} {{+*text message | titled}} {{+*attach | titled}}
"{{+color image|type:Image;size:full}}
{{+dau|display:inline-block}} {{Dau|display:inline-block}}
{{+wim|display:inline-block}} {{Wim|display:inline-block}}
{{+pfi|display:inline-block}} {{Pfi|display:inline-block}}
{{+quae|display:inline-block}} {{Quae|display:inline-block}}
{{+vei|display:inline-block}} {{Vei|display:inline-block}}
{{+ela|display:inline-block}} {{Ela|display:inline-block}}
{{+biz|display:inline-block}} {{Biz|display:inline-block}}
{{+yun|display:inline-block}} {{Yun|display:inline-block}}
{{+jutu|display:inline-block}} {{Jutu|display:inline-block}}
{{+glei|display:inline-block}} {{Glei|display:inline-block}}
{{+sace|display:inline-block}} {{Sace|display:inline-block}}
{{+rha|display:inline-block}} {{Rha|display:inline-block}}
{{+*type+by name|content}}
This artwork is owned by Winch Gate Propety Limited and licensed under [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|CC-BY-SA 3.0]].
Parts of this artwork are owned by Roll20 / Gabriel Pickard, licensed under the [[https://wiki.roll20.net/Marketplace_Asset_EULA|Roll20 Marketplace Asset EULA]].
Parts of this artwork are owned by Roll20 / Arcknight, licensed under the [[https://wiki.roll20.net/Marketplace_Asset_EULA|Roll20 Marketplace Asset EULA]].
Parts of this artwork are owned by Roll20 / Russ Hapke, licensed under the [[https://wiki.roll20.net/Marketplace_Asset_EULA|Roll20 Marketplace Asset EULA]].
Parts of this artwork are owned by Roll20 / Saul Wynne, licensed under the [[https://wiki.roll20.net/Marketplace_Asset_EULA|Roll20 Marketplace Asset EULA]].
{{+tags | type:Pointer | link; title:_L}}
{{+image | type:Game Image; content;}}
{{+fluff | type:Game Fluff; content;}}
{{+crunch | type:Game Crunch; content;}}
{{+gameid | type:Pointer; display:none; | type:Game ID}}
{{+versions | type:Pointer; display:none; | type: Game Card}}
{{+defaultset | type:Pointer; display:none; | type:Game Set}}
{{+image_or_description_1 | display:none;}}
{{+image_or_description_2 | display:none;}}
{{+value_1 | display: none;}}
{{+value_2 | display: none;}}
{{+form | display: none;}}
{{+v1|open;title:Version 1}}
{{+v2|open;title:Version 2}}
{{+v3|open;title:Version 3}}
{{+Notes for all Versions|open}}
{{+GM Notes|open}}
given field cards
given field cards on a given type
{{+GM Notes|open}}
{{+GM Notes|open}}
{{+GM Notes|open}}
a single card
{{+notes for all versions|open}}
{{+notes for all versions|open}}