expand_less “The ancient volumes begin with The Infinity of Nakana. In it, we learn that Nakana was birthed from the World Flower.” Kabir said.
    “And what, exactly, is the World Flower?”
    “The World Flower is most notably the cradle of creation. It is not only Nakana’s birthplace, but each spec of its pollen is a life, and each petal a world.”
    “You keep using terms such as ‘birthed’ and ‘birthplace’. I believe the literal translation of the text is ‘emerged’ though,” a judge noted.
    “You...umm...that’s true…” Kabir stammered, his mind furiously racing through the numerous lines of text in his mind. “But with the line ‘And so Nakana was emerged as the First’, there is some debate as to the translation. I...I think it was Sahil the Wise who commented that the root for ‘emerged’ can also be ‘birthed’ or ‘born’, and as such the line could be read as ‘And so Nakana was the first born’. I agree with this translation because it helps to solidify one of Nakana’s Principles of Life, in which she says later that ‘the outward spiral is all. It is life. It is truth. It is the pursuit in life to seek truth, and as such is neverending.’
    A silence, deafening to Kabir, filled the chamber as the judges turned towards each other to exchange furtive looks. “Very well. Continue.” A thin judge sporting crimson robes said. Kabir could swear he caught the flash of a wry smile from him.
    “Thank you, Magistrate. Let’s see...Nakana came to our world at the dawn of the Magic Era, and discovered a place teeming with all sorts of life. As described in Chapter III, she was so astounded by our world that she started rotating around as she walked so she could take in the beauty of it all. It was this pattern that caused the outward spiral, sometimes referred to as ‘Nakana’s Steps’, to be so closely associated with the goddess.
    “It did not take long before Nakana realized that there was almost too much around her to take in. Her desire for knowledge was clearly insatiable. To this end, Nakana knew she needed help. She needed someone or something to not only aid her in her discoveries of this world, but also needed them to advise and guide her from being overwhelmed. Chapter IV states that, ‘The First One went into a garden as large as the Sapphire Expanse, filled up with flowers. She spent many moons searching the garden, and found one that suit her liking. The chosen plant was the smallest of all the flowers, but contained the most petals. Nakana knelt down next to the plant and whispered the Truth to it, and lo, the flower grew into the sturdy form of a man. The petals, too numerous to count, extended outwards to arms. Nakana smiled at her creation, and deemed him Abdesh, the Thoughtful Scribe.’
    “Abdesh uses his many arms to act as a collector of knowledge. While one side writes down all he sees and knows, the other set of arms holds on to all of the scrolls of parchment he has ever written. He is Nakana’s closest confidant and advisor.
    “Nakana and Abdesh traveled together for years, chronicling all they encountered and learned, and soonone day ran into theirVis'Ras, firsta adversarypeculiar titan of sorts.time Itand wasforbidden Vis’Ra,knowledge, asick titanin withthe amind smalland bandthe when, seeking to build beyond the scale of loyalthe followers.gods Vis’Rathemselves a paradise where they could finally feel free. They sought any way they could to extend their power, for building how they wanted to build was destructivenow andan chaotic,impossibility. asMore allof a dream. Or a memory. Haunted by the titanshorrible were,past butthat unlikegave hisher brethren,the Vis’RaLost wasTruth, cleverVis'Ras andcould cunning.never Whileseem histo siblingscome usedto theirterms powerwith merelythe forpresent, entertainmentand orwas sportsaid into occupy several different times simultaneously, and for this newhad world,the Vis’Ramost claimedchaotic thatpsyche truewhich powerbrought cameupon fromher controllingill others,health and toher controldesire othersfor yourest. mustIn knowsome themattempts insideto regain power and out.order, Vis’RaVis'Ras listenedhad taken to hismimicking subjects,the butgods, notand inso had attained a compassionatesmall way.band Heof listenedfollowers tomade gainup knowledge.of Invarious fact,magic Vis’Ra’screatures, sourcebut offound powerthat wasthey actuallymade fromno hisdifference followersat andall, whoother hethan wassoothing ablean tountouched influence. loneliness.
As Nakana’s path crossed with Vis’Ra’s, Abdesh advised against traveling down that road. Nakana contemplated this course of action, but decided to meet Vis’RaVis’Ras headanyways. on.Vis'Ras Beforemade long,a Nakanalow andbow, Abdesh encountered Vis’Ra and hisintroduced clan.herself Vis’Raas wasa quickfreed toservant surmiseof Nakana’sthe powerlost andgods wisdom, and attemptedcarrier toof convincethe herLost toTruth. join his cause. Nakana refused,introduced butherself. She noted that Vis’RaVis’Ras was able to seek hisher path of truth should heshe wish. ThisHowever interestedthe Vis’Ra,two assoon hisfound owna clangreat wasconflict onlyin soVis'Ras's mentallydisorder. simulating.Nakana Thesecretly pairdid startednot wish to debateinvite the continuing chaotic and likely destructive influence of Vis'Ras upon the Truth, however she did not wish to cause Vis'Ras more pain. But nature took its course, and Nakana soon found herself picking apart the assymetric pieces of Vis'Ras, hoping to deactivate the piece that poisoned the Truth and Vis'Ras, saving them both. The pair debated the meanings of truth and the search for it while their respectivefollowers compatriotslooked watchedon andin listened.”awe."
    “And what is this known as?” The saffron judged asked as he leaned forward.
    “The First Debate, sir.” Kabir quickly replied. The judge leaned back in his seat once again.
    “The debate went on for what some scholars believed were numerous lifetimes.” Kabir continued, “Nakana and Vis’RaVis’Ras argued and discussed beneath both the sun and the stars. Over time, Vis’RaVis’Ras feltgrew himself grow tired. BeingAs aNakana titan,attempted thisto waslay not a feeling he was accustomed to. From the cornerpieces of histhe eye,Lost Vis’RaTruth noticedin someany oforder, hisit clanonly losingserved interest or, worse yet, agreeing with Nakana. This caused Vis’Ra to bothdisassemble arguethe morelast relentlesslyfunctioning aspieces well as feel a tiny kernel of panic.Vis'Ras' Asmind. more and more of his followers left, Vis’Ra grew weaker and weaker. In a cry of outrage, heshe asked Nakana why she would do this to him.her. Nakana looked confused. As Chapter VIII states, ‘Nakana rested a hand on the titan and smiledsmiled. asWe will stop, she spoke.said.’ OurThe pathsnext aremoment theVis’Ras same,crumbled butto different.dust Youand talkash. toIt gainis powersaid andNakana influence.never Iwill talkspeak toon understandthe andmatter seekof truths.the YouLost wereTruth. talkingAnd tomsot argueassume andit win,is whilethe Ishame wasof talkingthe withdeath anof openVis'Ras.
mind.During Ithe wasFrist notDebate, arguing,all Vis’Rafollowers of theVis'Ras Bloodiedeventually Canyon,joined soNakana, Isave wouldone. neverA winzesha onblessed yoursome terms.time Butago Iby wouldthe alsotitan neverwith lose.’their Andown withpowers that,of Vis’Ratime, crumbleda tosimilar dustservitude, and ash.a Nakanasimilar rosebut andless notedpressing thatfault oneof followerthe remained.mind. This follower was Vis’Ra’sVis’Ras' most loyal, and hisher defeat shook her to the core. Nakana took her in a warm embrace, expressing concern for her loss, before whispering the Truth to her. The follower stared at Nakana before pleading to follow her and only her. Nakana said that is not your path, but I shall bless you with a new name as you learn about your path. Vis’Ra’sThe formerzesha follower became Raijyu, the Illusion’s Truth.”
    “And why is her epithet this way?” The violet judge asked.
    “Because her world was shattered, sir. She learned that what once is might not be what it always will be. Everything changes, but the Truth and the pursuit of it is what is real. Raijyu is the most vocal about the Truth and how to go about obtaining it because of her previous obsessionservitude withto Vis’RaVis’Ras. the titan. I think Raijyu could be seen as almost maniacal and zealous in her pursuit of the truth.” Kabir responded. This statement sparked raised eyebrows with the crimson judge as the rest of the quartet mumbled amongst themselves for a minute. Kabir’s breath quickened.
    “Very well,” An overweight judge wearing a navy blue turban gruffly said. “And what of Suragni?”
    “Suragni does not appear until the final volume of the Core Texts because she was the last one to learn the Truth.” Kabir continued. “After the First Debate, the Core Beings did not cross paths until some time later, where it is written that they encountered each other on the eve of Vis’Ra’s demise. This time, it was Raijyu that had amassed quite the following. In fact, the Ashen still exist to this day, although they are mostly secluded to the Caldera Peaks and legendary City of Dust now. Anyway, Nakana and Abdesh were crossing the Torrid Expanse, where they encountered Raijyu and her followers. As Raijyu explains in Chapter VI of The Truths of Raijyu, ‘My path has led me to nowhere, surrounded by nothing. It is here where, like grains of sand combining to something more, we shall stay to learn everything.’ Scholars indicate this became the notorious City of Dust, but even Sahil the Wise has mixed feelings on if the City is real or just a metaphor for what Raijyu was trying to build.
    “Anyway, Nakana and Abdesh crossed paths with Raijyu and the first of the Ashen. Nakana was impressed with the path Raijyu has followed and what she has built. Raijyu, who over the years grew great respect and reverence for Nakana, bowed to her. One of Raijyu’s pupils was shocked at this act, for she had grown to be as devout and loyal to Raijyu as Raijyu has once been to Vis’Ra. The student confronted Raijyu about her actions, and Raijyu started to argue back, but Nakana intervened. Nakana took the devotee to sit with her under a nearby palm tree. What occured was the Second Debate, and is the bridge between The Truths of Raijyu  and The Justice of Suragni. 
    “While it is said that Abdesh’s hands grew weak and feeble from recording all of the information in the Second Debate, the details of what was actually said seem to be murky. Sahil the Wise states that the Second Debate is what solidified Suragni’s place as a Core Being, while Veer the Observant says that this correlation does not occur until their return to Raijyu and the rest of the Ashen. What we do know is that the pupil Nakana debates with also receives the Truth, and that her Path is a combination of Nakana’s wisdom, Raijyu’s loyalty, and the pupil’s own fiery sense of justice. Raijyu’s pupil becomes elevated, just like she was on that day many years ago, and is given the name Suragni of the Calm Fire. This is also the moment where Suragni sets herself apart from the Ashen and walks her own Path. Both Nakana and Raijyu smile as someone else now knows the Truth and goes on to enact it.
    “Suragni’s path is one of trust, honor, and judgement. As she states in...umm...Chapter II of The Justice of Surgani, ‘In my travels I have come to recognize the relationships between Truth and Trust. They are forever connected, forever linked, as one needs the other to survive. The Path of Truth depends on trust in the Path. One must honor that trust to steadily walk in the steps of the Path, for he who judges harshly shall be harshly judged’. In much of The Justice of Suragni, Suragni evokes the insight that Nakana displays while wrapping in the devoutness she showed to Raijyu. All of that is topped off with Suragni’s white-hot passion for not only walking the Path, but also for dispensing judgement and justice on those who do not.”