expand_less The curtain is moved and the silver plate is now clean. The priests give a nod. The boy places his hand on my chest, and I place my hand on his.The preist marries the gods, and so blesses the king, the oncoming seasons, and the agreemant betweenmen and the gods.The boy looks at me, and weaves a finger through the reeds of my dress, his pinky touching my stomach. I am not supposed to move, but I do, taking a quick step back. ****_____________________________Wackness Magic Era CopyPasta
The Void continued to expand and contract it’s nothingness as if searching for something. What it found were a pair of competing entities, Order and Chaos, vying for domination all around it. As the Void reacted to these forces, a rhythm started to form. Order and Chaos conducted their eternal dance all around and through the Void, and an echoed pulse emerged like the ebb and flow of a neverending tide. The more Order and Chaos continued their cataclysmic waltz, the more the Void gained momentum. As the Primes reached a dramatic stage in their battle, the Void reached a critical point and from the ethereal beat Enamzu flowed throughout the Void. 
    Enamzu continued to pulse with the currents provided by Order and Chaos, but yearned for more. The mystical waters crackled with energy and possibilities in the blackness of the Void. Enamzu explored the Void, seeking something, anything, to quench those curious passions. The search was to no avail. The more Enamzu sought the answer to these desires, the more the emotions grew to overflow their waters. Finally, Enamzu pleaded with Order for a mate. Order denies the request, pointing out the obvious to Enamzu. The Void is nothingness, and nothing cannot beget something. 
    Enamzu continued to flow throughout the Void, seeking anything to procreate with. The longer the quest took, the more impassioned and powerful those emotions became. Finally, Enamzu could stand it no longer. They retreat to a corner of the Void, away from the eyes of Order and Chaos, and washes over themself. From Enamzu’s own rhythmic actions comes another mystical energy to crackle, and from that energy Entiatzu became an ocean not so different from Enamzu.
    Entiatzu looked around, and, being of Enamzu, felt and echoed his primal emotions. The dual oceans immediately crashed into one another in a passionate frenzy of foam and froth. Enamzu’s flow sometimes matched Entiatzu’s ebb, and at other times wrestled with it. From the tides came colors and patterns powerful enough to make armies cry and entire cities cheer. From the surging of these energies they explored becoming one, only to drift apart for a fraction of a second before crashing into a single entity yet again. Enamzu and Entiatzu shook the Void and unleashed a devastating mystic flood, turning the nothingness into a realm of electric passions while simultaneously annihilating the Titans in its wake. 
    As the pair continued to explore each other and itself, the radiating energies mingled in mysterious ways. Muuru was the first of the First Children, birthed from the initial culmination of Enamzu and Entiatzu. Entiatzu experimented with individuality and donned the identity of Qenihrys. Enamzu, never satiated, overflowed into Qenihrys and from this new union formed Glei, the last of the First Children. As Enamzu and Qenihrys investigated new forms and considered unique patterns, Muuru and Glei set out to learn about the Void and its many mysteries. Upon encountering the corpses of the Titans, the First Children used their remains to create sky and earth. Learning about the rhythms of each, they were able to separate them. Muruu, always the curious one, grew entranced with the wisdom of shifting forms and the power in these various forms. As observed from the experiments with the Titans’ corpses, Muruu also recognized power in objects as well.
Three nights have passed and the king has kept the boy separated from me. I tent with two of the king's servants.There is a girl here around my age who is in love with everything. She loves the gods. And the king. And food. And drink.She drinks more wine than anyone I've ever seen. She brought me a little crown last night, made of woven leaves and little flowers.This morning she would not stop talking about the gods and me. Things that would get her killed, if others heard.When I had to go she kissed me and held our bodies tightly against one another. She is trying to marry the gods too, I think.But I don't mind.(- then wouldbe a scene continuing the boy v girl conflict in the rituals (not sure what our nature story is yet))  - something along the lines of the boy hasn't stopped his antagonizing, the king seperates them further***This next temple is much further than the others. It has been many days. They say eleven days,but they really only count the ones in which we marry. I've not seen the loving girl anymore, sincethe king moved me to the far side of the camp. I have my own tent where I sleep and eat.At night the only sound i hear is the wind on the fabric and the fire of the shephard, who is the only further tent,keeping the cow from disturbing others.One day I woke up and the shephard had come to see me. Told me he had seen the boy last night, and that had made him leave.I thanked him. We discussed the boy, and the shephard explained to me that he would likely only ever stopif he was given a lover. ( The story continues with the main character trying to get the boy together with the lover girl?)Lake's Note: You can adapt the sequence from the Joy Luck Club, where the wife-to-be uses the candle to convince everyone that the gods want the boy to marry the servant girl.  As I recall, she blew out the two sides of marriage candle on the night of their wedding (they're supposed to melt together as a symbol of their union).  Since the boy was in love with the servant girl anyway (I think she was pregnant too), they eagerly supported this interpretation of the gods' will.