3.P Character Creation House Rules+First, Second, and Third Party sources

In principle, Ledge Campaigns allow classes and options from all books and all sources.  This includes third-party published books, magazines, and other supplemental products.  In practice, first-party sources and select third-party sources are preferred.  Additionally, some sources don't clearly fall into either category.  To distinguish between true-first-party sources, quasi-first-party sources, preferred third-party sources, and other third-party sources, we use the following definitions:

FIrst-Party Sources: Anything designed and published by Wizards of the Coast for D&D 3.5 or Paizo for Pathfinder.  Examples here would be the Player's Handbook / Core Rulebook, the Dungeon Master's / GameMastery Guide, or the Monster Manual / Bestiary for each edition.

Second-Party Sources: Anything published, but not necessarily designed, by Wizards of the Coast or Paizo (such as the Dragonlance books).  Anything designed by Paizo for D&D 3.5 (such as the Dungeon and Dragon magazines).  Anything designed by a third-party publisher or fan community with the blessing of Wizards of the Coast or Paizo (such as the Dark Sun books).  Any preferred third-party publishers (such as Dreamscarred Press, Drop Dead Studios, or Lost Spheres Publishing).

Third-Party Sources: Anything not published by Wizards of the Coast or Paizo but designed for D&D 3.5 or Pathfinder and not expressly listed as a second-party source.

See 3.P First, Second, and Third Party Sources for a listing of all sources by category.